Welcome to the web's oldest, largest, and most popular bass fishing site. The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide provides fishing enthusiasts of all skill levels information about bass fishing on every technique, lure, or fishing condition you may encounter through thousands of articles, videos, daily news, and the most active bass fishing forums in the world!

Top 5 Baits That Catch GIANT Smallmouth Bass!
Think Smallmouth Only Bite Finesse Baits? Think Again! Legendary angler Glenn May shares the top five baits to use when smallmouth bass are fired up and chasing bait. Learn how to swap finesse for power and land bigger, more aggressive smallies with these game-changing techniques.
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State VS State – Let’s bring it back.
We have an annual fishing contest in my office/district that follows a…20 minutes 27 seconds ago -
Northern first bass guess
Using a local body of water, Damariscotta Lake, and Maine state ice out…22 minutes 39 seconds ago -
Is it even worth it to throw big swimbait?
Stuff in the 150-180mm range will catch bass of any size in almost any…25 minutes 42 seconds ago -
The Greatest Danger a Paddler Faces
Always something to consider. You need manpower and equipment to enforce…30 minutes 31 seconds ago
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"With every trip I collect new momentos, though few are collected in scrapbooks. And all who fish for bass across the land collect them too. They are the images from first light to last and from first fish to last. And we'd share them in a minute. Some recall particular triumphs, often preserved in snapshots and clippings, while others we tend to hide, at least until we're ready to laugh about them. Daybreak, canebreaks, heartbreaks, muggy nights and foggy mornings. A hundred things that worked, and a thousand more that should have. That's bass fishing."