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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2019 in all areas

  1. Had to do a small job on an island on one of central Ontario’s busiest cottage lakes. Luckily this time of year there’s absolutely nobody around. I was done work by noon so I hit a few spots on the way back to the ramp, the Rage Swimmer on a football head did well for me today. Had a huge smallie ( huge for this lake) chase and absolutely hammer it right beside the boat, was just shy of 5lbs on the digital scale, and got a fat little pike around 32” long, and lost another at the boat that was a solid 40” fish.
    8 points
  2. Me and a buddy bought 4 Dobyns Sierra rods for $38 each and 4 Mitchell spinning reels for $10 each. My local academy had a 75% off clearance sell on any price that ended with a *7cent. I was thrilled to find them.
    6 points
  3. Hey BR, Just finished up a video that is seasonally appropriate: Bass Fishing with Crankbaits in the fall - Overview Hope you all like it and Thank You for watching! James N.
    5 points
  4. I actually think it makes it harder for some beginners. I'm convinced that most anglers would be better off if they forgot half of what they've heard, threw away half their tackle, and focused on getting really good with what they keep. It's hard to focus when you are constantly being exposed to new ideas that you don't have time to learn properly. There is no substitute for TIME ON THE WATER.
    5 points
  5. Life got in the way of fishing this weekend except for a few cold, windy hours on a local lake yesterday. Caught them doing my favorite thing, cranking a DT6 ? First one was about my normal cranking fish. Second fish was a bit more like it.
    5 points
  6. Those brake dials are a fairly common repair. One of the teeth on the knob might be bad. I’d explore the warranty route first.
    5 points
  7. I know it took me three seasons to learn to fish a plastic worm, over 35yrs ago. It took hrs of practice for me to feel like I could cast accuraty, and hit targets. It also took me quite a while to learn about finding bass, and figuring out what lures to catch them with. Do you think, with videos, internet, and all the info on bass fishing available today, that fisherman learn faster? Some young anglers seem to pick it up much quicker than I did when I started. Of course after 35+ yrs I'm still learning. I never had any social media to learn from. I learned on.my own, from books, and countless hrs of fishing. Do you think younger anglers learn to catch bass quicker now?
    4 points
  8. Here's my baby. 2014 Crestliner Raptor 1750
    4 points
  9. No, I don't think it makes it easier. I know that one of the things that caused me to not progress as an angler early on was all the reading I did, and that was just books and magazines. Being exposed to something, or knowing about it is not the same as being able to do it. One can watch as many videos as one can stand, and it won't make one any better of an angler. There is no substitute for time on the water.
    4 points
  10. I just recently put together a little fishin ride. 2019 Weldbilt 1248LW, 2019 Bear trailer, 1996 mercury 9.9, 55lb minn kota C2, Navisafe nav. lights, Wise 6" fixed seat pedestal with commander seats x2, Minnkota trolling motor power station, Tripplite power inverter, Eheim 400 air pump, Toughbox Radio.
    4 points
  11. The forecast yesterday evening only called for 20 mph winds and I didn't check it this morning. I hit Happy Holler at 8:00 AM, but by 10:00 the 40 mph wind gusts had kicked up and ended the day for me. I caught a short fat 4 lb'er (on the dot) and another standard sized bass before cutting out. Both were caught in 10 - 14 feet of water off of brush using a black and blue Siebert brush jig and Rage Tail Craw. I wanted to get out of the wind but the places that held the fish were out in the open. Water temperatures varied between 54 and 55 while the air temperature was 44 when I started. The surface temperature at this lake has dropped 6 to 7 degrees since I was on it 12 days ago.
    4 points
  12. Decided to take my tacklemaking to a whole new level and bought a spincast machine. For those who do not know what it is I have a pic below of a spincast mold. Basically it spins around and lead is forced into the cavities. I can go from hand pouring 50 lead baits an hour to hundreds. Allen
    3 points
  13. What .... no spinnerbait? Jimmy Houston would be ashamed of you! jj
    3 points
  14. Too many factors to make a blanket judgment. For every change that has made it easier, I can think of changes that have made it harder. Basic information about fishing is more available now than it used to be through social media...but the proliferation of options in tackle and gear, along with general industry marketing efforts, have mostly just added noise and confusion for new anglers. It is probably easier for a new angler to put themselves in position to accidentally catch a bass here and there. But that's not the same as learning to fish, and to be successful with regularity, which requires putting in just as much time on the water as it ever did.
    3 points
  15. No, I don't normally fish a t-rig where I fish a C-ring and vise versa, and I tend to fish really light t-rigs, and heavy C-rigs. I do sometimes fish a pegged t-rig with a bobber stopper above and below the sinker and slide it up a tad, ending up with a pseudo splitshot or mojo I guess, but not often.
    3 points
  16. New Tatula Elite Long Cast. Spooled up with 14lb Gamma Polyflex. gif hosting
    3 points
  17. It is easier, but you still have to put in the hours. The discussions at the old timers session at the skate park often center around this, too. We didn't have YouTube to learn a trick, just B&W stills. Sometimes they would do a detailed sequence with instructions, but that was rare. It was best if you went out and skated with others, and learned from each other. I think that still rings true, even with fishing. I've seen some pretty good sticks come out of n00bs in the club I fished with.
    3 points
  18. I will go out on a limb and say 90% of the biggest are caught during the spawn cycle, that has been my experience. Logically you would think it's during the summer high feeding high growth period. Keep in mind the biggest bass in any lake is a female and egg development starts during the summer period and peaks during pre spawn and that is when big bass weigh more then any other time period. Tom
    3 points
  19. My first rod and reel back in the mid '50s was a hand-me-down Airex Bache Brown, Model 3, half bail reel with a Narmco Conolon rod that I used until I could afford a new Mitchell 300 and a Garcia Conolon rod. I wore that old Airex reel completely out and the rod broke off at the handle while I was trying to land a pretty good size cat fish. I still only fish with my old Mitchell reels.
    3 points
  20. 3 points
  21. What he said on the Fuego CT, I have 3 of them now. I've been really happy with the reel, they can be had for $70-80. I don't know if you can get a better reel for that price.
    2 points
  22. Since I live in the realm of sarcasm I am caught off guard when others use it
    2 points
  23. It seems every time I try a new technique or lure I read about I spend all my time hauling water. When I put a plastic worm on a jig head I catch bass. The only time I remember something new working out for me was when I got some bladed jigs from @Bluebasser86 . I’m still mad at the whopper plopper hype, thankfully I was gifted one instead of having to buy one or I would be $13 madder
    2 points
  24. I would go with something weedless that can hit all water columns at any speed like a fluke, or a swimming worm like the Rage Cut'R or speed worm.....I would probably just grab a pack of zoom flukes and feel pretty good.
    2 points
  25. I agree. If you think on it, a Texas rig, jig, spinnerbait, crankbait, and topwater can keep most anglers busy for an entire day. There's plenty of versatility within those baits alone
    2 points
  26. If you talk about river smallmouth, the biggest fish are often caught more often in the early spring and deep into fall.
    2 points
  27. I don't really watch fishing videos. I do like the ones that Glenn puts out here. The only other videos I like are films of the older Bassmaster Classics, because many of these guys are still my heroes. I've picked up some good info here on this site also. I still feel like the best way to learn is to get out there and " get your hands on it". Experience has been the best teacher for me
    2 points
  28. me and my girlfriend had a fun fall colors paddle on sunday in the canoe
    2 points
  29. For me, it has less to do with any "dream". We don't have DD bass here. If that was enough to dream about, I'd know to travel south. The issue is the strain in tackle large fish can create. And, if my experiences with BIG salmonids is relevant to BIG bass, the effect appears exponential. Gotta plan ahead for the big ones. It may seem kinda nit-picky or obsessive, esp where such fish are rare, until you hook one and discover what our southern brothers already know. They can expose the weak link in our planning, execution, and maintenance.
    2 points
  30. Rule #1 of fishing: there are no rules
    2 points
  31. I dont know . There are so many lures and techniques available now that it could make it even more confusing to the new angler . its harder to learn the basics when one is swamped with information . I believe if one would learn the texas rig/jig well , then everything else would come easy . Now days they are wacky rigging , drop shotting , neko rigging... and not learning the basic of working a bait through a brush-pile and detecting a strike . I caught on to worm/jig fishing rather quickly and wore the bass out with it . I didnt have all these other riggings to clog up my brain . So it may have been easier for us older guys .
    2 points
  32. You can add bobbers stopper on bottom of your bead/weight and adjust accordingly. I like Carolina keeper better because heavy weight can slide down bobber stopper.
    2 points
  33. still use em over grass flats,pads,eelgrass,etc. sharpen the hook, ad a trailer and your good to go.
    2 points
  34. Not a fan. The points cut plastics up badly, getting shorter life out of baits. Also had a lot of issue with them cutting through plastics so easily that it's almost impossible to hide a hook point in a bait, resulting in more snags. They also seem to slice a larger hole in the fish's mouth if you hook them in the softer parts of the jaw, which can result in lost fish. The points don't seem to last long either. I bought a couple hundred jig hooks with high hopes for them but was very underwhelmed by them.
    2 points
  35. The only real drawback I can think of would be any line damage caused by crimping a split shot on to it. I do something similar when fishing water under 12ft. deep. I normally use a bobber stop between the weight and knot of my Texas rig and will just slide the weight and stopper up. The result is more like split shotting than a C-rig, but it accomplishes separating the weight from the plastic.
    2 points
  36. I agree they usually work better in clear water, but around here 3 foot visibility would be considered crystal clear. Jerkbaits still work well in our stained water when it gets cold. I just make sure they have rattles and use bright colors like clown or firetiger. For reasons unknown pearl also seems to work well in dirty water. One good thing about stained water is color choice becomes less critical. the main thing is finding a highly visible bait. My favorite jerkbaits are Duo realis,Yozuri, Smithwick rattling rogue, and H2O. for deeper water I use the KVD deep diver. I own more H2O. Mainly because they are a lot cheaper. They are advertised as floating, but they suspend just as well as the others.
    2 points
  37. I'd get the St Croix mojo bass or the Dobyns Fury. I have both. I don't know that i have a favorite. They are both good rods for the price.
    2 points
  38. Blue mirror in the brightest of conditions and grey in every thing else. A-Jay
    2 points
  39. It's an old split shot trick that helps to reduce line twist. We started doing this to get more use out of torn worm noses and started catching more bass. Tom
    2 points
  40. The term "flat worm" got my attention and looking at this worm it looks like a hand pour with a flat bottom. The worm business has come full circle with flat bottom injection molded worms once associated with hand pours do to the open 1 sided mold. The flat top side of the hand pour was always looked at as the belly and rigged flat side down. Do you know that rigging a hand pour flat side up often gives a hand pour more swimming action and increases strikes? Just thought you should know. The Berkley Flat worm looks a lot like a sculpin worm and should work good. Tom
    2 points
  41. Thank you J. I am merely a spectator in the cheap seats. Lynn does all the heavy lifting ... every 24 days. I will say that sharing the space with several of the strongest and bravest Spirits I've ever encountered, is both an honor and a privledge. Patients and Staff. A-Jay
    2 points
  42. Well i finally got a bunch of dinks to break my dry spell. Friday evening i only caught 3 babies but it was the triple crown of black bass all in downtown so ill take it.....the large mouth hit a frog at dark and went airborne on the hookset. Sorry little fella it was dark i couldnt see Also lost a yellow perch. Pretty sunset Saturday i caught lots of little smallmouth but my buddy got an 18" and a 20" smallmouth while fishing close by my boat, i even got to net one . Pretty sunrise
    2 points
  43. It's going to be a few more days before I can get to do the editing of the video we shot. Weather here is about to get very 'seasonal' so I'm going when I can. Have to get to this later. But here's a teaser - totals for the 6 1/2 days of fishing. A couple of days of rain slowed the big fish bite down quite a bit. Still quite an awesome time . . . A-Jay October 2019 Lake Baccarac Scoreable Bass Stats ~ 25 Total Over 7 lbs ~ 7.25 7.36 7.53 7.07 7.56 7.49 7.42 7.03 7.56 7.43 7.45 7.38 7.84 7.71 7.18 7.47 Over 8lbs ~ 8.81 8.24 Over 9 lbs ~ 9.01 9.34 9.20 9.67 9.25
    2 points
  44. Prepping for some 40 degree weather this weekend and needed a reload of some finesse stuff. I couldn't pass up on the Cabela's Guide wear gloves, they're not the thickest but I can thumb a baitcaster comfortably without my whole hand being exposed - underrated bait monkeying business. That lunkerhunt dock spider looks like the real deal, 1/4oz semi light wire hook, a little thinner than a dark sleeper. A little shake of the wrist and all those legs shimmy shimmy yaaaa.
    2 points
  45. It is a little known fact that Bass are excellent landscapers, although they only do their work at night. When darkness falls on gold courses, the Bass migrate out of the ponds and do course maintenance, mowing the grass & relocating the pins. The don't work on the sand traps however, that work is left up to the carp.
    2 points
  46. Someone mentioned a “show your ride” thread figured I would post this here instead
    2 points
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