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Fish the Mitt

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Everything posted by Fish the Mitt

  1. Exactly. Understanding that there are always people that know more than you, and then tapping into that resource (pun totally intended), will only escalate your skills as an angler. I for one am above average for my area in Bass fishing (personal assessment through experience and conversation). However, when I come on here, I feel like the little guy - which I am. I'm here to learn. Spread knowledge or advice to those I think can benefit but most importantly, learn. I've only been a member here for less than two weeks and I've already learned a lot. It's gratifying knowing that I have this resource and this group of members to assist me in my journey. If Bass fishing is truly your passion, commit and have the confidence in what you do.
  2. "Good" is completely relative. For example, you and I compared to a lot of the other members here, couldn't compete. We are on a Bass dedicated forum. One of the biggest, if not biggest, forums dedicated to Bass fishing in the country. To us, being on here, we feel like the newbs - in which we kind of are. We don't have the years of expertise a lot of other people have. However, on the local circuits/tourneys, we are above average. That's me speaking personally. When I come on here, I come here to learn and teach. Learn what I don't know and teach what I've learned. But most of the time, a lot of the posters are far above me in expertise and knowledge - I can't always maintain a thread convo because I'm not to their level. However, if I go to my local sporting good stores, I can maintain, lead, and usually surpass any conversation there. So again, relative. Have confidence. For what it's worth, I've never fished a tourney. This year is my first. My passion for fishing is only a few years old. Before that, it was an occasional hobby. But my life changed (divorced) and put me in a situation where the opportunity and finances allowed me to persue fishing with a more committed sense. Once I was able to do that, I absolutely fell in love with it. Sincerely, Dr. Phil
  3. You always wanted to try to fish Houghton or always wanted to try a Tournament? lol
  4. There's always another piece of the puzzle lol. Like @slonezpsaid, conditions. Example: Fishing dirty/stained water Its dirty. So its harder for you to see but also harder for the bass. You need a lure that has a profile that draws attention. A Crankbaits with a wider wobble to really move water, a spinner bait with large blades to really "thwop, thwop, thwop" in the water, or a jig with a rattle to draw attention. Worm/plastic not so much because they're not flashy, noisy, and don't move much water. See, there's always something to consider. That's just one of many things to consider too. Like @MIbassyaker said in his #1 point:
  5. Just checked Ebay... $325-400
  6. Bingo. Or too shallow to support life when froze over.
  7. That's a loaded question and I'll tell you right now, you'll get a thousand different answers. Are we all wrong? No. Everyone fishes their own way for the water they're used to. However, there are some things that are "proven" per-say - or an across the board understanding. Those can be picked up quite easily by a simple search here (link below) or Google search. Another thing to consider; since you mentioned "reaction". Are you power fishing for reaction strikes or more interested in finesse style fishing? See, just one of many variables but again, starting with the 'across the board' understanding is probably a good start. From there, practice and learn. DISCLAIMER: I skimmed through the article. But I believe it may be a good start. http://www.bassresource.com/beginner/seasonal_lure_selection.html
  8. Don't know where you're at, but I know you're not in my state... Nice fish!
  9. I just kinda rigged my Plano box to hold most of what I need. I keep my extras at the house. If I need more, I refill my box. Pretty simple to rig. Multi tool + coat hanger = plastic bait holder!!
  10. I believe Tom (WRB) (first poster in above thread) is on the right track (with my personal beliefs). I live in Michigan and the lakes freeze over every winter. So come spring, the transition from Winter to Spring is more dramatic than say, Florida. The transition on a Florida lake is a lot less dramatic because of the geographical zones. It's not uncommon for a Florida lake to remain a constant 50-60 degrees while here in Michigan, we get as low as 30's for months at a time. With that said, what WRB says about a Florida body of water being more about photoperiod, and a northern/high altitude lake being more about water temp, I believe to be accurate. I think they both play a role but I believe bodies of water (based geographically) will differ in regards to what plays a lead role and which takes a back seat (or more secondary role). So I don't think there is a one true answer.
  11. My personal best is equivalent to my biggest catch overall! I couldn't imagine breaking it down by water, states, lures, etc.. I'd need an Excel Spreadsheet!
  12. Fish the Mitt

    My Daughter

    Pictures of my daughter picking up my passion..
  13. Fish the Mitt


    From the album: My Daughter

  14. Fish the Mitt


    From the album: My Daughter

  15. Fish the Mitt


    From the album: My Daughter

  16. Fish the Mitt


    From the album: My Daughter

  17. I'll admit, my boats still in the barn... Ill probably start getting out later this week. The weekend of April 9th should be the kickoff for me up here.
  18. Where are you located? What are you using (lures)? What type of water? Where about in SW Michigan? I'm guessing GR area?
  19. I fully expected to read this thread and have my answer be within par. But nope, now I'm self-conscious and shopping. Thanks guys... lol
  20. Rules of fishing: 1. Bait your own hook 2. Clean your own fish 3. Tell your own lies I'd say 8-10 would be a safe bet! Hog tho!
  21. Now that you say that, I do recall a leg attached. Phew, thanks for the reminder! I almost had a heart attack thinking I was boring!
  22. Well I live about 100 miles south of Burt/Mullet. Never fished em' but a quick search will tell you that Burt is 9 miles long and almost 5 miles wide. Mullet is about the same size (9 miles long and almost 4 miles wide). Not sure about you but I wouldn't want to paddle that unless I had a sure fire plan to catch fish!! Without personally knowing the lake(s), and without knowing how the next 2 months are going to treat us, it's hard. But June 1 in Michigan, we would usually look at shallower waters/flats with access to deeper depths. This time is usually either spawn or a transition period from spawn to post-spawn (depending on the water you're fishing and how the Winter/Spring was temp wise) but both will keep bass close to shallow water. 1. Research bass patterns for spring/summer 2. Research the lake 3. Research lures based on the above two 4. Watch the weather the closer your trip comes up (reach out to someone and ask about water temp too). I've attached a quick topo map from my Navionics:
  23. HAHAHA! My first dip ever was Skoal.... good times, good times!
  24. I'm 28 and I prefer what you prefer. Does that mean I'm old at heart? lol As previously stated, a head/chest mount is too much movement (especially when setting the hook and trying to land it). I prefer to watch the angler as much as the water. What do they do when they feel the fish is about to jump? Is it different than what I do? How about their retrieve? Hop, hop, pause, drag for a slow jig? Maybe I can try that. Etc..
  25. Stay safe, brother. Remain positive and keep your head on a swivel! Regardless of branch, regardless of MOS, we're all wishing for safe travels and an expedient return for you! Semper Fidelis Rick B (USMC)
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