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Long Mike

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Long Mike last won the day on August 10 2014

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About Long Mike

  • Birthday 06/27/1946

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Tulsa, OK
  • My PB
    Between 9-10 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Fork, TX

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  1. Makes me sick that I could not attend, but I'm still recovering from a hip replacement. Based upon a complete and almost overwhelming wave of apathy, I suspect that there will be no further attempts to organize further BR Road Trips. Sad. We used to have a lot of fun on those trips.
  2. Guys and gals, I would love to be there, but I am scheduled for hip replacement surgery on March 6. I doubt that I my rehab therapists would allow me anywhere near a boat in time for the J.Y. Classic.
  3. Looking forward to seeing you again, Bert.
  4. I'll be there Wednesday afternoon. FYI, a friend of mine caught an 11+ on the south end of the lake yesterday.
  5. It's beginning to look like I might, just might, be able to attend the Jake Yates Classic. Chris, do you still need a roomie?
  6. Oh, if only I could join you guys on these trips! I've had so much fun on the previous ones, seeing old friends and, above all, making new friends. As Chris said above, you don't need a boat to attend. No one has ever been left standing on the bank. Whether you are a newbie fisherman or an old salt makes no difference. The only requirement is that you be 18 or older, unless you are accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  7. Gentlemen, thanks for all your well wishes. I made my decision to step down as a Moderator reluctantly, but I couldn't, in good conscience, continue. My wife is recovering from a near-fatal brain hemorrhage, and the road back will be a very long one. My attention is now focused on her, and not on helping out on these forums. I thank Glenn for giving me the opportunity to contribute and wish Gary all the best. I know that he will be a real asset to the members.
  8. You might want to find a used Tracker Tournament V-18. It's an 18 footer, with a modified deep V hull, but still has all the attributes of a bass boat. Unfortunately, it's no longer manufactured. I bought my 2004 model, used, in Houston. It came with a galvanized trailer.
  9. Gentlemen, and ladies, I regret that I will be unable to participate in any Road Trips for the foreseeable future. Almost a month ago my wife suffered a brain hemorrhage. She has been in the ICU ever since. We have been informed that she will eventually recover, but it will be a long, slow process. It will be three to four months before she is even able to take care of herself. It will come as no surprise to you that I have decided to stay by her side. I have asked BassinChris to take over the few responsibilities I had as the trip coordinator. Have fun you folks, I wish I could be there.
  10. Heads up guys. Moors Resort told me this evening that no reservations have been made by Bass Resource members. Be sure to mention that you are with the Bass Resource group when you make your reservations. You have only a few days to do it or the rooms/cabins I have blocked will be released. The same thing applies to Toledo Bend. Tell them you are with Bass Resource.
  11. I hate to see Spurrier resign. I always thought he had a cute butt.
  12. That's a very timely post Chris, especially for the Kentucky Lake trip. Ghoti will once again be hosting his Wine and Cheese Soiree. It's a great meet and greet occasion. Ghoti needs a fairly accurate head count in order to plan his menu and to know how much to spend at the liquor store. As for Toledo Bend, I need a head count also.
  13. Never heard of it. Google it and let us know what you find out.
  14. Lots of useful commentary here, both pro and con. I have a Terrova, that for the first year I used exclusively with the remote. I learned that the remote, used in conjunction with the foot pedal, works even better. The spot lock function with the remote is a given. So is the set-it-and forget-it function. That's when I switch to the foot pedal. All I have to do is tap the foot pedal and it adjusts it's course, and holds it. There are a number of features on the Terrova that are available that I have not yet begun to explore. I'm so pleased with the features that I do have, that going back to cable-steer is out of the question.
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