Don't understand the misconception ❓ good company.
We use the credit card all year, vacations and whatever.
At the end of each year with all the points, we buy clothes and everything outdoors for free....... with the points.
Just don't let the interest get away.
I use a #1 wide gap mustad hook, similar to a trout hook.
Therefore a med-light works great to keep them pinned, nose hooked.
Same hook used to nose hook flukes.
I don't mind the snow at all but hovering around 0* - 10* sucks.
Have to get up every night around 2 and go outside and throw wood in the can't keep up 😲
We've been having a brutal winter here so I've been laid up for the most part.
Projects in the garage has kept me from going crazy.
Working on chainsaws mostly and clearing driveways for older folks.
As I get older it's definitely the cold.
AND unfortunately we're having brutal cold here.
Snow, few single digit nights, wind.
At least it's still football season 😉
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