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Luke Barnes

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About Luke Barnes

  • Birthday January 1

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Tulsa, ok

  • My PB
    Between 4-5 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Jackson in oklahoma

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  • About Me
    I started fishing about 4 years ago and I'm hooked!!! I like fishing for all species but my first love is fishing for bass! I'm still learning and love to explore new ponds, lakes, and rivers. 

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  1. I agree, they aren't out to help people catch fish, they are out to make money. That's why they are a business and not a charity. But I just can't see how these small companies can make it with 50,000 other companies out there making the same kind of product. For the new Comer that can be daunting knowing what to pick when there are just so many choices for the same things.
  2. Sounds like he went out doing what he loved. Rest easy now. I'm also glad they found him so the family could have closure.
  3. Because heavy metal is meant to be listened to loud!!! I like Vinnie Paul (RIP) answer about wearing ear plugs on stage. He said it was like sex. Do you want to feel it and experience all of it or do you want to be safe? It's up to the person.
  4. I like variety and having a choice in things but anymore it seems that there are so many lures, especially soft plastics, that the market is absolutely flooded. I've heard the saying, too many options can be a bad thing. I tend to agree because it can confuse people and make them indecisive. It seems like every single day a new lure company hits the market claiming to make the best lure with the best action. But how many variations of a plastic worm do we really need?? Ribbed paddletails tend to look so smart I can't tell the difference if they were out of the package. I went head over heels buying baits I thought would work better than what I had because of the marketing and hype around them. But the tried and true still catch just as many fish so I don't need to see a billion worms before deciding. What is your thoughts?
  5. I agree with you. Unless you are rich and can fly to one of their one off shows or are lucky enough to live where they do a one off, smaller venue show, you are going to see them in an arena if you want to see them. I did and the sound was great and I could see the band clearly from where I was at. Now granted it wasn't intimate or anything like when I was on the rail in front of the stage at Megadeth and caught a guitar pick.
  6. Why the bands I listed don't get played on American rock radio? They aren't rock. They are heavier than what radio will play. Plus they aren't popular by American pop music standards. But I don't care about popularity. I like the music they make and that's really it. I went through my numetal phase because it hit when I was a late teen so of course I latched on.
  7. I don't know how I just found this thread. I'm a huge metalhead and have been for about 25 years. I started with Metallica, Pantera, Anthrax, medageth, and slayer. Then I discovered newer metal from around the world and fell head first into it and never looked back. Most of the bands I like no one will have heard of. They don't get played on the radio or anything. Bands like: Soilwork Circles Twelve Foot Ninja Meshuggah
  8. That's really nice looking. For my size I think after everyone's input, I'm going to stay away from the SUP for fishing.
  9. I definitely don't think a paddle board is ideal that's for sure. But it was free and I don't gave a vessel of my own. I could use my wife's kayak but it's pretty short. She got one that was super wide but is only 8' long so just seeing my options.
  10. I've never been on a kayak or paddle board before. So I'm new as it gets.
  11. So sitting kneeling on your knees is the best non standing position it sounds. Once i get to the spot i want to fish i plan on fishing either sitting down or standing up. I have never fished from a kayak either so I'm new to all of this!!
  12. That thing is decked out!! I didn't realize there were fishing ready ones. Thanks for the info!
  13. One thing is I plan to use it sitting down. I don't plan on standing up at all. I like the milk crate with rod holders idea and having some sort of seat and not just sitting on it cross legged would be most ideal for me.
  14. My wife has a kayak for recreation and exercise and we were talking about adding a second, larger kayak so I could use one for fishing. Yesterday my wife gets home from her friend's house and her friend had given her a 10'6 inflatable paddle board with the oem pump. Once she inflated it I was amazed at how big it was. It is wider than I thought and made me think, it might make a decent fishing vessel! It looks way more stable than her kayak because the bottom is flat and there is so much deck space. Has anyone fished using an inflatable stand up paddle board?
  15. I need to lay mine all out and take a pic of it as well. I got a nice haul of different things and I'm really excited to try out the Tokyo rig!
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