I have recently noticed that all my friends no longer fish because they have moved on to family and job commitments and I am happy for them. I fish almost everyday...mainly what I claim to be "Southside Suburban Pond Fishing". I have met a few loners on the ponds around here and it seems like they are all in the same boat as me...mostly fishing by themselves. I would like to up my fishing game quite a bit but frankly I can only teach myself so much. I fish to relax and enjoy the outdoors mostly but don't get me wrong if I go home skunked I am in a bad mood. So I guess if anyone wants to join me or hit me up on facebook to go fishing sometime I welcome the company and different points of view on how to fish and be successful. I have been fishing since I was 3 so I have plenty of skills...I am just looking for some cool people to hang out and shoot the stuff with every once in a while. I am unaware of any formal clubs around Green Country that offer just a kick back semi competitive vibe. I welcome any comments, suggestions, and or leads on any recreational clubs around. My email is chazzbobuck@aol.com if anybody is interested. Thanks for your time and maybe I will see you out there.