Hey folks, Glenn May here with BassResource.com. When I hear about people who want to revive a fish, or how to revive a fish, or when I'm out there fishing with people and I see them try to revive fish, I see a common problem. What they'll do is they'll take that fish, put him in the water, and gently rock him back and forth, pushing the water through his gills to try to get him to revive and then will let him go.
Now, everybody's got good intentions in doing that, but don't do it that way and here's the reason why. Those gills, they're designed for the water to come through the mouth and out the gills, one way, one direction only, that's how nature made it. So if you try to force the water to go in backwards, there's the potential there that you can damage the gills. Not gonna say it happens all the time, but in talking to a lot of biologists out there, a lot of fishery biologists, they've always told me that no, you don't wanna force the water backwards because that has a potential to damage the gills. So you may be well intentioned and actually end up hurting them not even knowing it.
So the best way to do it, according to the biologists, is keep them going forward, grab the lower lip and just do a figure eight. Just gently move them around in a figure eight, hold the lip real loosely and when the fish is ready to go he'll swim out of your hands on his own. That's how you do it. Hope that tips helps. For more tips like this, visit BassResource.com.