
A Student Angler Bonus Program To Bragg About

Tournament Tips

High school angler Caige Bragg of Trussville, AL, is not a boastful young man, despite the fact he's fast proving himself as one of America's most talented young bass anglers. He’s got the Vexus® Varsity trophy banners and $500 Tackle Warehouse gift cards to prove it.

The 17-year-old Springville High School junior registered for the Vexus® Boats Varsity program that rewards qualifying high school anglers who win their sanctioned event while competing out of any Vexus. Winners earn a $500 gift card from Tackle Warehouse and a cool banner to hang in their boat garage or bedroom. 

Bragg has cashed-in twice thus far, both times by winning on Lake Neely Henry, including most recently just before Christmas in an Alabama B.A.S.S. Nation High School event where he caught his winning fish using Garmin forward-facing sonar on the south end of the Coosa River impoundment. 

His dad, Jade, who clears utility easements for a living, purchased the Vexus AVX2080 aluminum tournament rig from Freedom Marine at Lake Guntersville and serves as his talented son’s boat captain.

"It's an aluminum boat, but it truly feels like a fiberglass boat as far as its smooth ride. Plus, it floats super shallow, and that helps get into all the crazy little backwater areas along the Coosa River," says the younger Bragg. 

He also says the vast front deck on their Vexus is ideal for two anglers fishing all day shoulder-to-shoulder, and that, unlike some aluminum boats, their AVX2080 has tons of dry storage and an ice chest that keeps ice frozen for two days amid the Alabama heat.

When asked what he's planning to buy with his most recent Tackle Warehouse gift cards, you guessed it. Bragg says more soft plastic minnows and jig heads are for use with forward-facing sonar, and possibly a glide bait too. 

The folks at Vexus are proud of this young angler’s success. He’s living proof that you can win large tournaments out of an aluminum boat and stay humble, even when your last name is Bragg, as you collect trophy banners and Tackle Warehouse gift cards.

To learn more and get signed up, please visit