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  1. RipzLipz's post in I don't understand....... was marked as the answer   
    Probably due to TV contracts for other sports. Weekends after around 12 are sports, not fishing tournaments for 8-12 hours. Not saying I agree with it, but not as many folks are going to sit through an entire days worth of tournament fishing compared to 3-4 football or basketball games, college or pro.
    The network is also hoping to get you interested on the airing in hopes you’ll move to the streaming, as that’s probably much cheaper to "air". Could also be testing to see how many folks move over to streaming in hopes of offering a PPV streaming platform in the future. All about those dollar bills to them.
  2. RipzLipz's post in How are Oneten's made...???? was marked as the answer   
    @Crow Horse I would imagine they mold 2 halves of plastic, sonic or chemically weld them after some assembly (hook & line tie eyes, rattles, etc), sand/deflash seams & then coat the lures with whatever processes they decide gives best appearance they’re after. Anything unique to the luremaker’s processing is likely not to be public knowledge & closely guarded.
    Some videos for reference:
  3. RipzLipz's post in If you only used (1) lb test flouro? was marked as the answer   
    I assume no topwater on the baitcaster since you’re going fluoro. Me, I’d go with 10-15lb Tatsu. Higher end test if you’re around thick cover (laydowns/brush, etc.), lower end if more open water. If around rocks, watch for nicks like a hawk.
  4. RipzLipz's post in Top-water Heartbreak. Also, Treble Hook Reccomendations? was marked as the answer   
    A couple of weeks late to this thread, but I have had similar experiences to @A-Jay in replacing stock trebles and stock split rings.  I prefer & recommend Owner ST-36 (black chrome finish, round bend) in all sizes available as well as Owner split rings.  Sticky sharp hooks (as are other brands).
    I skimmed through the link @A-Jay posted & noticed a section where he discusses hook point location/rotation of the stock hooks.  Through my trials (and errors), I now always check the stock hook rotation/location before removing any trebles.  Not all trebles have the same eye to hook point orientation which can cause the hook points to be in a different rotation.  Whether this affects hookup ratio, I have no clue - I just try not to change the stock hook point locations if at all possible.  I'd recommend going to Jann's Netcraft & locating a hook size chart to keep on hand when replacing trebles - sometimes the hook sizes aren't exactly the same.  For example, Owner tends to run a bit smaller than other manufacturers from my experiences (meaning a size 6 Owner might be a bit smaller than a size 6 Mustad).
    Even when changing out trebles & split rings in favor of what I feel are sharper & higher quality hooks, fish will on occasion come unbuttoned.  Too many factors beyond the angler's control can come into play (dull hooks, using weight of lure against you, split rings, line stretch, rod action/power, how the fish are hitting the lure, fish committment to the attack, etc., etc.).  I know it's maddening trying to figure out why fish come off - many times I feel it's just circumstances beyond our immediate control, as pointed out by @Captain Phil already.
    I'd recommend any of the Owner trebles - I usually stick with ST-36.  I haven't tried the short shank trebles (ST-35) but I would expect they're just as good as the ST-36.  Not saying they're the best of any hook, but that's my personal choice for replacing stock hooks (if needed).
    I'd also recommend these split ring pliers if venturing down the path of changing out stock hooks - I feel these are pretty much idiot-proof (but as soon as I say that, an idiot will prove me wrong) & should fit your needs for most sizes of treble hooks:
    Texas Tackle split ring pliers (orange handle)
  5. RipzLipz's post in Abu Garcia Revo Premier Gen 3 Vs Revo Stx Gen 3 was marked as the answer   
    I own both reels and the Premier with the IVCB is far superior, in my opinion. You'll never have to take the side plate off for full range of adjustment on the centrifugal. Something the STX lacks and fails to point out how to properly use in the included docs. You won't regret spending the extra money on a Premier or MGX for that matter.
    Most of the upper locking shaft/pins (above and in front of your thumb when it's resting on the spool) are a little looser than I prefer, so I'd take a small screwdriver and give it a bit of a tightening. NOT a torque down, just so you can't loosen it by hand.
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