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  1. DitchPanda's post in Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul was marked as the answer   
    I'm going to preface this by saying for nostalgia reasons I really wanted to see Tyson destroy Paul, however I knew in my heart that there was basically no chance of that happening. I keep hearing people say man can you believe how that turned out? Can I believe that an almost 60 year old man got out boxed and wore down by a 27 year old that is in his prime and has been constantly training and boxing the past several years? Of course I can...in fact even though I was hoping for a different turnout I'd be in disbelief had it gone the way most wanted
  2. DitchPanda's post in Shipping From T/W was marked as the answer   
    I understand everybody has had different experiences and I'm not discounting those, but I've always had great experiences with them so they continue to get my business until they ruin that.
  3. DitchPanda's post in Those painful pet peeves! was marked as the answer   
    When my buddies aren't catching fish but I am so I offer them a bait, they decline then at the end of the day they ***** about not getting bit.
  4. DitchPanda's post in Warranty - favorable or fiendish experiences was marked as the answer   
    I have a few times. Most recent one was a Garcia Veritas shipped to me with a broken guide. I sent them a picture and within 3-4 days there was a new one on my porch no cost and an email saying keep the other one and fix the guide I'd you want to..its on us. That's pretty good service.
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