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I want to buy the right Float Tube

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I am looking to purchase a float tube. I was wondering which is most comfortable.

I see ones with that look like they have a chair (seat & backrest). Or the ones with just the back of the tube and pockets.

Which seat and backrest is the most comfortable?

Fish Cat 4 has a seat and backrest ,,,looks very comfy...

I have seen so many, not sure which to get.

I wish to spend around $80.00 - $120.00


Creek Company?

Any help would help...

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The Fishcat style tubes are a little more pricey than a standard round tube but they keep your butt out of the water. This is nice if you ever do any cold water fishing. They seem to be a little quicker to get around in also!

If it's in your budget and you have the transportation then a kickboat, AKA pontoon boat, is another great alternative. The oars give you a much greater range than a conventional tube but you can still use fins to move around while fishing .leaving your hands free same as a tube.


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Hey thank you for your input MT, however I have already purchased my rig.


I got a "Togiak" by Trout Unlimitted. Pretty much the same as the Fish Cat 4

but seems to have slightly longer tubes in the front. I am 6'3" I felt like the Fish Cat might be to short. I don't know,, This one claim that my butt should be out of the water also.

Being new to Tube fishing I hope I made a descent choice and won't need to buy another to soon. I will probably go with a Pontoon next.

Gonna kill some Bass at Lake Castiac in So Cal.,, Not sure where you are as I have'nt read your profile.

Happy fishing and thank you again.

p.s I am also looking for websight with lots of Tube set up ideas,, do you know of any?


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want kind of waters are you planing on fishing with the tube.

Are you fly fishing or spinning/baitcasting.

That one there should be fine for rivers, creeks and ponds.

Now are you looking into a rod holder for your tube too.

I have the old full round intertube tube float and like it but getting in and out is a pain. That one there you posted link to is easier to that, but again you have to look at the waters and type of fishing your doing.

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If it's in your budget and you have the transportation then a kickboat, AKA pontoon boat, is another great alternative. The oars give you a much greater range than a conventional tube but you can still use fins to move around while fishing .leaving your hands free same as a tube.



For a lake fishing bass I would go with one of these ones that you sit up out of the water with your legs and feet in the water with the oars. Will be much nicer.  :)

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