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Are there any clubs near eastern shore MD or De


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I've been looking for a club near me but everything seems to be either southern PA or on the Western shore of MD and all of them seem to be about a 2 hour drive so I wouldn't be able to go to any meetings.


looking for a club on the eastern shore of MD I live in Kent county. Or in DE that is looking for a rider/non boater/co angler whatever the term you may use.


Anyone know anything?

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I don't know how many others there are in the area, but this one is at least based closer up your way. 


I am meeting with a member of a Misspillion? club today, but I can't find any recent info for them on the interwebs (other than a group pic from a tourney they did with dover bass last year) 

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That was the problem I was running into I could find clubs closer to me but on there Facebook or there website the most recent thing was from either 2015 or 2016 I didn't see anything for this year.


I believe Dover bass club is only looking for boaters right now but I'll give it a check

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I found very little information at all. I wouldn't have fished this club, but a buddy texted me last week asking if I wanted to fish with him. 

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