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Lake Fork


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Heading out tonight and meeting Long Mike to fish a two day tournament. Anyone been on the lake and would like to post any help it would be appreciated. Would like water condition, and active depth that fish were caught.

Plan on concentrating on main lake points, secondary points, creek mouths and edges. All will need to have grass on or around them to interest me. Going to test the 8-15' depths that setup this way. If you have any other current ideas or information I would appreciate it.



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   What part of the lake are you launching from?

2 day stringer tournament?   Are you prefishing any on Friday?

Tell Mike to hang on to his wallet this trip.  

I haven't been on my brush piles lately, as you know, I have been concentrating on my Championships this fall.

The IBC, Irving Bass Club, will be fishing Fork as well this weekend, usually draws 200+.

Allow me to check the winds out and give me an idea of where you'll be launching from and I'll giadly share some info.


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  • Super User

What part of the lake are you launching from?

2 day stringer tournament? Are you prefishing any on Friday?

Tell Mike to hang on to his wallet this trip.

I haven't been on my brush piles lately, as you know, I have been concentrating on my Championships this fall.

The IBC, Irving Bass Club, will be fishing Fork as well this weekend, usually draws 200+.

Allow me to check the winds out and give me an idea of where you'll be launching from and I'll giadly share some info.


Prefish Friday

Two day total stringer weight. Five fish a day(Paper tournament).

Lake Fork Resort. Weighin at 5:00 on Sat. and 1:00 Sunday

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Paper tourney kinda changes the game alittle.  

Is Mike meeting you in the morning?

Are you having organized take off from LFR?    Or can you be on the water, but first cast goes at certain time?

I don't think the clouds will be here on Sat and Sun.     Tomorrow, the bass may stay aggressive in the shallows due to cloud cover .  

What are Mikes and your strengths.    I think bass can be had a number of ways in a number of areas?

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We can trailer

Weighin at LFR

I prefer to fish jigs, plastics, deep cranks, CR, frogs, etc.

Not sure about Mike. He's along for the ride.

He is meeting me around 10:00 at the ramp in Williams creek in the morn

I figure the bite will be a little slow if Sat. and Sun are bluebird days.

Going to try to locate some on Friday and then pick them apart slowly on the weekend.

Going to keep an open mind and let them tell me what to do.

Figure they will hunker down and be tight to cover or shadow the baitfish.

If I can locate 5-6 spots that have a concetration of fish on Friday I will milk run them and try to time a few.

Just going to have a little fun. I'm leading the club and hope to come away in the running. Have not been on Fork in 2 yrs.

We have 26 fishing so far

One member hit the water at 10:30 this morn and had a 7+, and 2 over five in the first 1 1/2 hour.

I hope it is bluebird on Friday. A day like today would have just messed me up. If you catch them everywhere it is hard to put anything together(Pattern), at least it is for me.

I need to thank Tom Reddingtom for the information he sent me this morning. His info will be invaluable. Thanks Tom.

Thanks for your help Matt

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