My wife purchased a Falcon Bu Coo rod for Christmas. After a cold winter I was able to use the rod the other day. After about 10 cast the rod tip broke at the first guide. Defects happen I guess. I called Tackle Warehouse to return the rod. This has not been a very good chore. They told me to send the rod back for inspection. I am in NJ and they are in CA. After many mixed stories from them I was told that as soon as they receive a tracking number , they would ship the replacement rod. Not the case. After I supplied the info they tell me they need the rod back first. After some back and forth they agreed to send a replacement rod. However they do not have the rod and have no idea when they may get one in. They told me to select another rod as a replacement. I decieded to Falcon another chance and order the Cara series and just pay the difference. For some reason they said I had to choose a rod with the exact price of the defective one. i was forced into choosing a rod that i really did not want but??? And then when things seemed ready to go, Tackle Warehouse asked if i wanted a store credit or a full credit. My question to these customer service numb nuts is, if you offered a credit at the end of all this nonsense, why would you not let me buy the Cara series and just pay the added cost. So after this nightmare dealing with Tackle Warehouse i went to Falcons website. What a scam of a warranty. If you have a warranty issue with them selling defective products it is on you to pay for shipping to send them back their defective product, but you are also required to send them $20 to pay to have the replacement rod shipped back. I really thought Falcon rods would be a good fit to upgrade my rod arsenal. I guess not