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  1. Peacedivision's post in Owner Flashy Swimmer 5/0; Will a gambler 4-1/4" work? was marked as the answer   

  2. Peacedivision's post in Replacing treble hooks with singles on whopper plopper - anyone done this? was marked as the answer   
    I actually did this recently to fish in a private pond where I wanted to be extra nice to the fish.
    Didn't actually help me get any bites on the plopper but I ran single inlines on a size 60, plus on a rico popper and zara puppy.

    I bought a range of sizes in the owner single inline since they were pretty cheap $3.50 a pack I think and just sized them to match one point of the factory trebles.

    Spook and popper were highly effective, still haven't caught a plopper fish  
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