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looking to join a fishing club


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I have been having a hard time finding a club for 2017 in new hampshire. my struggle starts with the fact the only boat I own is a decked out 10' tracker jon boat. so being a co-angler makes things tough. 


I was wondering if there was anyone out there that may know of or is interested in co-angler. I appreciate any and all feed back

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I just wanted to add I checked the club finder spot and have contacted both that are listed for my state and haven't heard back or was denied over not having a boat. 

again thanks for the help 


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  • Super User

K, your major obstacle is not having a boat.


My club in Richmond, Virginia, is the only one in BASS Region 3 and Region 6 to allow nonboaters to join.


Your FLW and BASS state federations may be able to help you unless the people in charge don't care about nonboaters. Sorry to say but this is true throughout the country.


Don't give up. Fish local ponds and hone your skills so when the opportunity presents itself you will be ready.



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Perhaps you could look into a local Car Toppers Club out of a local bait shop. Lots of them popping up with kayak and canoe interest spiking.


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thanks guys I have been finding out the hard way not having a boat is tough to even get into a small local draw club. 


I will continue saving the Benny's and working the wife to let me spend them on a used rig.


I wish I had some friends who seriously fish like I do so I can measure my success. well if anyone is from the state of new Hampshire and wants to meet up send me message. 

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