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lake depth maps?

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G'mornin all. Am looking for a (hopefully online) source of lake maps that show water depth.

A local lake- several thousand acres of flooded timber is insanely difficult to navigate. Even old timers can get turned around esp at night. Well, there is a mythical island in the middle of this lake no bigger than a house lot that only shows itself in far below average rainfall level summers. Here can be found the unicorns- ok, only kidding there,

the old timers swear they can fill ice chests full of black crappie around this island but unless you get pops to show you his honeyhole one will NEVER find it on their own, satellite image maps useless as ive tried.

Cheniere lake in northeast LA is where im talkin about.

Any of you heard of this? Or know how I could obtain better data in locating this sometimes-an-island? I've had to many unrelated reports of its existence to doubt its there somewhere, just the location of it is whats shrouded in secrecy.

Thanks folks...


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If the lake is used for water supply sometimes they the water district will have a map, the engineering firm that constructed it may have. Try to find an old area map before the lake was built and transpose it onto the preasent day lake. If it is a natural lake none of this may help. We used to fly over lakes around home. You will be amazed at what can be seen from up there. Especially on the on the tops of barges. From what I have read the lake flooded three smaller lakes in it's construction.  That isn't where they are fishing is it?I use MyTopo.com on occassion, it shows two islands.  

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Thanks, I stopped by and talked to the guy that created the maps of that lake and got a virtual tour. There are a few islands in cheniere but none that are not permanent. He did say there are a few ridges that it gets shallow but that would take a severe drought plus a drawdown to ever reveal land.

What he thinks I may be hearing of are thickets of tupelo gum trees. They get so thick you cant take a boat into them and may be what others are mistakenly calling islands. These are the places he says to fish. Lots of bass and crappie but no big cats.  Buying shiners and bait from him for fifteen yrs ya'd think i knew his name, LOL.  He's on tv occasionally crappie fishing on the national shows, a crappie guru of sorts and cheniere is his home lake and dont forget he is the one that drew the official map .  I kinda respect his opinion LOL.

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