Thanks for the video Dominion Dan.
Thanks for the video on hook removal. I have done that and a few other methods. The maneuver that is shown in the video is a last resort for me. Usually I try to fish it out with a pair of pliers mainpulating the hook to find an exit pretty much the same as it went in. Once when I did the "hook yank" method shown, sans Maker's Mark, I pulled a small white piece of what I though was tendon along with the hook. It must have been nerve. My index finger was not the same for quite a while but I am happy to say the feeling came back.
The one thing that I have found with hook sets in your flesh is the area numbs itself. Either the nerves deaden or the mind blanks it out. Regardless of the removal method.
Let the nerves do their job while you do yours but for Godsakes, don't power down a bunch of Whisky to deaden pain on a boat....or anywhere else for that matter. That really doesn't help the situation. Especially if you are the captain or the owner.