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Further North

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  1. Further North's post in Fishing etiquette lesson for the day was marked as the answer   
    Another follow up:
    We were met at the put in at another river by some young men - roughly the age of the river-owners in the original post.
    They arrived a few minutes after us, and they parked, walked over as we were launching, introduced themselves, and asked what our plan was for the day.
    When we told them we'd be floating down-river several miles, they told us they were planning to work the area around the dam, then head for another river for a short float.
    It's things like this that inspire me to think we're not doomed.
  2. Further North's post in Accurate speedometer for trolling with down riggers. was marked as the answer   
    MK has shared that 1540 is the top end for their motors, so

  3. Further North's post in An October Tuesday was marked as the answer   
    In the 4th picture down, there's a foot long pink blur in front of me in the rower's seat.

    ...that's the fly.

    We're working an outside bend hole that's maybe 10 or 12 ft. wide, and 50 ft. long.  That's where the big girls hide.
  4. Further North's post in Fly fishing toothy critters was marked as the answer   
    Thanks!  On a fly too!
    ...I don't wander into the bass area often...
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