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center driving bass boats

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I was looking at bass boats and I came across some boat company. There boats had a dash with two bucket seats. It was left side drive like your cars. The gear shift and and gas was in the middle like a sports car. It looked like you can only fit two people in it snice you get out of the seats like you do a car. Has any body seen this boau iam talking about.

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It's the Nitro 911CDC.  It's a 20 footer center console, driver on the left (so the gear box/throttle are in the middle out of the way).

I'd make three comments from what I've seen (not that I know much):

1)  Although being able to fish 360 degrees sounds good in theory, in reality if you have a non-boater with rods and gear in the boat, then one side will pretty much be blocked anway, so instead of having a middle access between consoles, you will just have the driver side.

2)  I hope you don't have to dock or tie up by yourself cause it seems it would be mighty hard to reach over and grab the dock will controlling the steering or throttle.

3)  When they first came out, they put all their pro-staff in 911s.  How many are running that same boat today?  ZERO.  They have all gone back to the 929 (the normal 20 footer).

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I have a friend with a 911 and one real advantage is it is the best rough water boat around. Big, wide and center seating keep you dry. You can seat 4 across in the Nitro.

I'm not sure the boat you were looking at wasn't an Allison. They also make a center seat boat.

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Champion makes a Bass and Bay.  Same thing as a bass boat just no carpeting in it because of saltwater use.  I have been in several Bay boats and flats boats that ride as well as any bass boat and sometimes better than a bass boat.  Also rough water a flats boat can't be beat, IMO.  We had a Archer Craft 18' with a VMax 150 and could out run Bass boats in rough water.  It all depends on what you like and are used to handling.  My friend is just now getting used to his new bass boat after having flats and bay boats all his life.  So far he likes the bass boat.


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