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Sutton Lake 11-10-06, new boat new PB for the year


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Dad and I picked up a new boat (new to us) about two weeks ago. It's a 87 Bass Tracker TX-17 with a rebuilt Mercury Classic 50 (45hp) and a Motorguide foot controlled trolling motor. Anyway, the boat sat for awhile so it needed some work to get it water worthy. Yesterday the weather was beautiful so we decided to take the boat out for a test run for a couple hours.

We ended up catching 10 bass all together. I caught four with a personal best for the year at 5lb 13oz. This fish was every bit of 23-24 inches long and was thin for it's length. Dad caught 6 with one being 2lb 9oz and another at 1lb 13oz.

We encountered a few small issues with the boat that I need to take care of, that and it needs completely recarpeted.

Heres the 5lber, when dad netted it and pulled it out of the water I thought this fish was 7-8lb. This picture does not do this fish justice at all, this thing barely fit in the net.


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Thanks guys. The fish is skinny for it's length and I wonder if it's not a large male. This is the first large bass I've caught or seen out of this lake that was skinny like that. All of the larger fish have been fat, except for this one.


This isn't my all time best, just the PB for the year. My all time PB is 7lbs caught when I was 5 or 6 years old. As a matter of fact that was the one that got me into bass fishing, up until then I didn't even know what a Bass was.

I had been away from freshwater fishing for a few years and been doing some saltwater fishing. Got a late start this year but got back into it heavy, next year my goal is to beat my PB and want a 10+lber badly. They are in this lake, I saw one not too long ago that made that 5lber look like a midget.

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Thanks guys

No punching the Bass, that's what the punching bag is for.  ;)

That bass was thick but it didn't have much of a belly at all. Sutton lake is a power plant lake and the water temps get extremely hot during the summer. This year I was seeing 100-110 degree water temps depending on the location. We also had the second hottest summer on record this year. From late June to the end of August when a tropical storm passed through the action was non existant on this lake. I wouldn't doubt that by December/January that fish might just put on another pound or two.

SPEEDBEAD, I've already got the carpet. I need to get a piece of plywood to replace the center decking on the boat. It's not rotten but the existing plywood is delaminating in a few spots. I might as well do it now so I don't have to mess with it later on down the road.

Thanks again

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Thanks, I don't photograph much but I will say that how you hold a fish makes a big difference on how it looks in a picture. In it's defense though, that fish should have been an 7 to 8 pounder, maybe more, had it not been skinny.

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(Sigh)   Tell your dad I'm jealous.

My son is not much into fishing.  He's 31 years old but still plays mens soccer and lacrosse.

The good news is that he is getting married this summer.  Both he and his bride to be, want children right away.  My daughter who is more the angler, is also "promising " me a grandchild this year, so I may have a new fishing buddy or budette (?) Ladies, help me out here.

Anyway, a new little avid is coming and I CAN't WAIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Call us both lucky. I'm lucky to have a father who helps me out in so many ways. If it weren't for him I wouldn't have skills or the means to own the Chevelle, the boat and many other things. Dad has had back troubles for a number of years( the belly sure don't help) and I do everything I can to help him out. It may sound corny, but he and I are best friends and do everything together, cars, drag racing, fishing, hunting etc etc, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Even if he and I butt heads at times.

Congrats on your son getting married and the future additions to "la famiglia". Hopefully one or all of your future grandchildren will be avid fisherman too!  ;)


Thanks. This is Sutton lake here in coastal NC, which is a cooling lake for a local power plant.  

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Lake Sutton, Rocks. Not a lot of people, other than locals Know about that lake. I fished it hard when I liver in Jacksonville NC. I believe that is one of NC top 5 lakes. It is small butr the bass are smokin. If you go back out and want another PB. Try two things 1) 20lb line throw a 8" river to sea white swim bait off the corner that seperates the outlet side and the inlet side. Throw if for about three hours. You will freek out at how big the bass are that are in there. After you do that try drop shotting a Zoom smokin shad 4" worm on deep rip raff or blow downs. I love that Lake. One of my favs.

Ken The Bass Magnet

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Thanks, I know exactly the spot you are talking about. I picked up a couple packs of the swimbaits earlier this year but really haven't give them much of a chance. There is so much wood in the lake that it becomes frustrating at times. I've also been meaning to try the dropshot out as well, but never got around to it.

I'm curious, during the summer months the action shuts off from what I've seen. I saw 100-110 degree water temps from late June to late August. Any tips on how and where to get on the fish during this time?

You want to talk about hot, man it sucks out there in the summer. It will be 100 degrees out and the water is hotter than the air temp.

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