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SPEEDBEAD. last won the day on November 13 2015

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  • Birthday 10/23/1979

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
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  • My PB
    Between 9-10 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Anywhere I can

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    Swimbait Universe

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  • About Me
    Just fishin'

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  2. I'll tell you when I'm going November 5-11 As an added bonus, attendees during this week will be "competing" for a pretty sweet prize. The largest fish of the week as well as the largest 5 fish bag for the week will both be receiving a free week the following year when we go. I can still take a couple guys this year but trip is almost full.
  3. Real Magic is a petroleum based product that makes your line more supple by stripping away the slightest, outermost layer of your chosen line. I'd theorize that if you switch your line quite often, not a big deal. If you're not into that practice so much, how much can you strip away before your line is compromised? I'm not willing to find out. KVD for me, been using it forever.
  4. They're definitely a cool bait to play around with. The modular design of the bait allows you to "play" more than other baits currently on the market. Don't get fooled though, they're not kicking them out at full capacity. They're doing what a lot of companies do by manufacturing interest and hype by controlling supply. It's quite transparent.
  5. I'll be pulling into town tomorrow night and will be walking around the show all three days.
  6. Look up "rubber core sinker" Pull the rubber insert, bend the weight open if needed, put on the shank of your chosen hook, mash the weight back together. That'll let you tailor it to whatever weight you need. There was also a company called DOA (I think) that sold weights specifically designed to crimp on a hook shank.
  7. The last two years, first part of November had a great balance of big fish, perfect weather and no bugs. There really is no "bad" time to go though. The lodge is closed from june to September for the rainy season I believe.
  8. Swimbait fishing is exponentially easier if you have a basic understanding of fish behavior and can generally read productive cover/structure. The problem is people see big fish caught on swimbaits and think "I should start bass fishing so I can do that too." That's not how it works.
  9. There's other ways to tune them but the Tungsten putty is the easiest and most correctable/adjustable. The man who does it best, Butch Brown, has all sorts of different things he does including drilling into the bait. Not something I'd recommend for a beginner. Stick to the putty.
  10. If anyone is looking to go, feel free to hit me up. I'll get you in contact with the man you need to talk to. Started doing a couple special trips through the year where you could potentially earn a free trip for having the biggest 5 fish bag of the week! Perks of friends in high places Ajay is right, the place is special and will change your outlook on the potential of largemouth fishing forever.
  11. Video is coming. I'll be invading the Land of the Giants on 11/6
  12. 10lb fish? Gizzard shad as big as your hand? Make a fist next time you catch a 10 and stick it in the fish's mouth. Trust me, a 10 will eat a gizzard shad bigger than you can imagine.
  13. It's a good bait if they are keying on gills that size. Otherwise, for me, I prefer the regular sized one or a different gill bait such as a Hardgill from Mattlures.
  14. I wouldn't even waste time with the 168, go right for the 200 S Waver. It's really not that big and will draw more fish than the smaller sizes. Same with a Slammer. 8" Hudds, Deps 250 are all in regular rotation for me in PA. They (along with others obviously) put fish in the boat consistently.
  15. Surprised no one has mentioned Baccarac. Once you go, you'll never be the same.
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