Sierra Trading is the spot to find bargain sunglasses. They have some good cheaper brands (O'neil/Timberland, etc) as well as the pricey brands.
I will definitely mention you in my prayer. I pray you live long enough for AI to take hold and start curing these diseases. Experts say AI will start curing cancers/diseses at a rapid rate. You got this.
Fishing a pond or creek on foot is how I started and still my favorite way to enjoy the sport. I just don't have the great spots I used to have. Google earth is great...I've been spot hunting.
I don't own the PA...I have the Glorious 7'4"MH and 873. The 873 is going to be more powerful/stiffer than any Jackal MH. Don't let the lure rating fool you.
Googled it, and it looks like the same company and they are still custom painting baits.
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