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About skey44

  • Birthday 12/21/1982

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    Clemson, SC
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  1. any measurements? I'd say 4#. You could definitely hold it to look like 6# though
  2. I like the zoom ultravibe speed craw
  3. I use the Buckeye football mop in "dragging" situations with great success. I always use a trailer. For this jig I use the rage craw (the length works well with the long skirt) in watermelon red on most occasions.
  4. green sunfish
  5. green sunfish
  6. green sunfish
  7. what is the "+10% gift card" thing on TW referred to earlier. I just thought it was 10% off
  8. If you're pitchin, skippin, or flippin it will be best to learn to cast right or reel right... you'll miss less fish. I am a righty (luckily have a lot of practice spinning with the left hand) and plan to buy a lefty casting reel soon just for these situations. I have the mojo rod and it is a good crank action, but those guides are cheap. Don't be disappointed if you have a hard time with light baits or don't get a lot of distance with heavier baits (compared to better guides). For cranking you made the right choice, but when you get your flippin stick consider reeling righty even if its uncomfortable at first.
  9. Good question as my lake is now turning over and I haven't fished since the majority of the lake has started getting mucky. My game plan is going to be to find some places that have cleaner water/water flow in shallower water and pitch tight into cover with various baits starting with 1/4 oz t-rigged watermelon/red rage craw and then experimenting from there. I have also had a lot of success swimming that same offering in the same areas recently!
  10. 6#
  11. I ended up with the M fast, because I felt it would be a little more versatile. Have to say that I believe the softer tip lets me feel and dance the jig head a little better and give it a better dance up and over cover. I am getting bit twice as much as I did with my crucial MH fast because of this extra action IMO. Loving this rod/reel combo so far.
  12. I never wanted to give up, but I have definitely had the type of day you describe. Now though with the changing weather and experience of a whole summer, things have finally started to click for me. Just give it some time and keep on searching, learning, and fishing. It has worked for me and I very much look forward to getting better and better! Stay positive, don't give up.
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