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About joefish

  • Birthday 01/03/1949

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  • Favorite Bass
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    Perry, Clinton, Wyandotte County, Tonganoxie
  • Other Interests
    Crappie fishing

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  1. If my gauge is below 1/2 I need to fill up. Unless on a road trip then gets down below 1/4.
  2. Used one summer then had to replace axel which came with new hubs. $75 each plus any freight.
  3. Have not fished Olathe Lake in maybe 4 years, but used to do OK there
  4. WoW this forum has been dead since September??
  5. I normally use the COE ramp close to the Marina. It cost unless you have the COE sticker. there are some shallow and rocky areas around there so be cautious.
  6. Got a problem with axle on my Ranger trailer where in KC is a good reasonable priced shop to see about getting some work on it done?
  7. Nice bag, Hayden. were you in a tx?
  8. Bluebasser you are wrong, 2 or 3 years ago Wyco dropped the trout permit. I fish there 2-3 times a week and keep up on the rules and regulations.
  9. You do not need a Trout stamp at Wyco, only Wyco permit if you're 16 or older.
  10. My neighbor is County Deputy Administrator with Parks and Rec under his duties. The County did contact State biologist last year in attempt to resolve the algae problem in Wyco. Appears it is not under control yet. Hayden, you chasing bass in Wyco or Trout?
  11. yea that gin clear water was awesome. I believe there is some kind of algae blooming causing the red color.
  12. Wyco water was kinda murky. got the same red tint it had last year.
  13. was on Wyco today, Windy !! crowded with anglers. Trout fishing was tough but did catch several bass 12" or little longer.
  14. I need help...now right now, but eventually I will. I've taken my Evinrude Etec to US Boatworks for several years to be worked on. The Etec Technician they had recently retired and no replacement has been found yet. So, where do you take your Evinrude engines to be worked on?
  15. The WYCO Wednesday night Tourney are still going on. I don't fish them, but see them going on occasionally. Here is a link to the FB page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1096676397042324
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