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Falcon Lowrider 20 Amistad (1/2 - 1.5oz) rod advice

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Hi all was trying to get some advice on the Falcon lowrider 20 Amistad heavy power rod (older made in USA version). My local tackle shop has one on clearance for $75.  Wondering how it fishes and what lures people use on it? Could you throw a s-waver 168 on it. Is it good for pitching flipping frogs, etc. does it has a soft tip? Thanks for any advice. 

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I have that rod, and it's become my frog rod.  That's a good price for that rod.  I like a little slower rod for glide baits, but others may find it just to their liking.  It's a true fast action, I'd say.  You could definitely pitch with it, but it's not a flipping stick.  I have drug a Carolina rig with it as well.

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3 hours ago, CountryboyinDC said:

I have that rod, and it's become my frog rod.  That's a good price for that rod.  I like a little slower rod for glide baits, but others may find it just to their liking.  It's a true fast action, I'd say.  You could definitely pitch with it, but it's not a flipping stick.  I have drug a Carolina rig with it as well.

Could you toss into cover (Lilly pads) with this? Just wondering if it’s a true Heavy power. I find my Bucoo Sr MH more like a Med. Also how sensitive is the rod

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2 hours ago, Steve S said:

Just wondering if it’s a true Heavy power.

I guess everyone's definition of true heavy would be different, but this rod is more powerful than say my MH St. Croix Avid, which I feel is pretty powerful for a MH.  It's definitely more powerful than my MH G. Loomis IMX or MH Falcon Finesse jig rod, which is really on the light side of MH.  But it's not as powerful as my Kistler KLX Feel 'n Reel Heavy.  As for pitching into grass or really gnarly stuff, I'd be fine.  Honestly, when I'm fishing from my kayak in grass, slowdowns, etc., if I'm not anchored with anchor pins, a 2 lb fish stands a chance of getting the better of me.  The rod and tackle is not the issue, it's the boat.

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I have the Cara version, which is probably similar. Yes, it does have a soft tip but plenty of power. I think you'll find that rod can do almost anything between that lure weight range. You can definitely frog with it using braid or pitch jigs and texas rigs with it using straight fluoro (that's what I use it for). You will not regret it especially at that price.

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Excellent rod.  I'd rate it between medium heavy and heavy.  I have 2 and my son has 3.  I have alone bucoo version as well.  Strangely enough,  the bucoo feels like a true heavy.  Lowrider 20 Amistad is very versatile. 

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9 hours ago, Basswhippa said:

Excellent rod.  I'd rate it between medium heavy and heavy.  I have 2 and my son has 3.  I have alone bucoo version as well.  Strangely enough,  the bucoo feels like a true heavy.  Lowrider 20 Amistad is very versatile. 

Does it have a soft tip? What’s the lightest baits you throw on it

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Not super soft at all.  I think it’s a mod fast action.  Keeps fish pinned. I throw 3/8 ounce swim jigs and 1/4 ounce bullet weights w 10” worms is the lightest I have tried.  I use those regularly.    It does fine. At $75 it’s a no brained.    I’d go lighter rather than heavier with this stick.   It is very versatile.  We caught them on clearance and bought 5.   It is very sensitive.

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