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Crow Horse

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About Crow Horse

  • Birthday 01/04/1956

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Guilford, NY
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Beals Pond
  • Other Interests
    Native American philosophy, paranormal interests....... Pondering questions like "What if feathers tickled birds?" or "How do you know when you're out of invisible ink?"......... Quelling insurrections...

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  • About Me
    Avid kayak angler

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Community Answers

  1. There's mixed opinions about bass's ability to to see into the UV & IR spectrum. One can't easily dismiss the above mentioned example. I was curious about this and had 2 different Megabass perch patterns (GG & mat) tested on a spectrophotometer. Unfortunately the tests were inconclusive as I later discovered that the unit used to test them was not capable of reading in those spectrums. I don't know if it was a calibration, software or hardware issue. It wouldn't surprise me if they do or are capable of seeing colors that tickle the UV?IR ranges and the question is raised as how do they actually perceive and react to them.
  2. You can't spin it like this. It's not hysteria. It's being aware of the impacts we have on the environment. The damage we've (humankind) done to the environment is staggering. Some of the damage done is on a grand scale and other damage is small and cumulative. Damage is damage no matter what the scale and it always comes back to bite us in the arse somewhere down the road. Having respect and dare I say, a reverence for the environment isn't hysteria. It's just common sense. A wiser man than myself once said "What We Do To Earth, We Do To Ourselves." Sadly, we don't learn from our past mistakes and keep repeating them over and over...... We must take better care of the Earth (and waters) because the last I heard, they're not making any of it anymore.....
  3. I think we can all agree that drying out wet tackle is the first step followed by storing the dried tackle in an environment that prohibits or retards rust formation. How one accomplishes that is up to the individual.
  4. I respectfully disagree. I can walk into any auto parts store and purchase a metric boatload of products that will be harmful if introduced into an aquatic environment. "WD-40 is no different then any other petroleum base product regarding the environment IMO." Exactly and I wouldn't want to introduce any petroleum based products into the environment.
  5. Maybe so, but sharpen a hook and the plating is removed exposing unprotected base metal, vulnerable to rust formation. In my humble opinion, WD40 has no place near any body of water. There are other ways to prevent rust that won't have any potential environmental impact.
  6. ....Except that the rest of the organisms in the water ecosystem might not tolerate those chemicals. Disrupt the food chain and it all collapses.
  7. Depending on the weather, I'll sometimes "blow dry" anything wet with a DeWalt 20v blower and finish drying in our greenhouse. So far so good.....
  8. This "intuition", or sense of knowing is an inherent ability in all of us. For most, even those who stumble through life in the unconsciousness of consciousness can develop this. One doesn't need to have a trauma (emotional or physical), illness, or any other life altering event to open this conduit. There is a lot of information published about this phenomenon. I've had a number of occasions when I knew it was going to be fish on. It's an unusual feeling and difficult to describe, but it is very real.
  9. My standard practice after fishing in the rain is on the next dry day, open all the boxes up and allow them to dry thoroughly. In all my Plano cases I use Zerust Plastabs (vapor corrosion inhibitor) to prevent any rust from forming. They work very well.
  10. Loosen as soon as I'm off the water. Old habits die hard.
  11. I pulled the trigger on the yellow Texas Tackle & Gamakatsu pliers. One for my home tackle tool box & one to have out on the water. Thanks for the suggestions!
  12. I have the orange (5") handle pair. I'll look into the yellow handle ones. Thanks!
  13. I'm looking for a quality pair of split ring pliers that will work with #2 split rings (the size used by Megabass). I have a pretty good collection of split ring pliers ranging from cheap to expensive (Walmart to Toit) and the only one that works is one made by Smith and is more like a tweezer. Before I start modifying ones that I have, I was hoping someone might have found a pair that works well. I've searched the site (BR) but no joy. Gami has a micro pair that might have possibilities and Sampo might also.
  14. Next time out I'm going to try constantly videoing and see how that plays out in editing. I'm also going to bring my #3 camera to have as a backup or to use to capture photos that would be difficult for the bow & stern cameras to frame. What I have been doing is once I connect with a fish, I'll press the record button and will video until the fight is concluded, hooks removed, and lifted out of the water for the money shot. I do miss the actual strike and hookset but doing it this way breaks up the video into small clips of individual fish and makes clip selection pretty easy.
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