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About gim

  • Birthday 03/01/1982

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    Plymouth, MN
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
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    Mille Lacs, Rum River

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    Ranger RT178, 75 HP 4-stroke Mercury outboard, Minnkota Maxxum, Minnkota Talon 12 ft

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  1. gim


    I'm very familiar with this problem. It's a significant part of my work right now. The current strain of HPAI (highly pathogenic avian influenza) aka bird flu has affected more than just domesticated poultry. We've found it in dairy cattle, wild birds, and other mammals. Cats seem particularly susceptible to it. The reason it's so deadly to domesticated poultry is because of how they are raised - in tight quarters by the thousands, indoors. So the spread is like wildfire. If a flock of layers, broilers, or turkeys gets it, they have to be euthanized. Then the barn has to be cleared out, cleaned, sanitized, and sit empty for 30 days to clear the virus. Then you have to line up a new flock which takes time and is in high demand right now. For laying chickens, it also takes time for them to reach adequate egg laying age. Flock after flock is being taken out across certain parts of the country. That's why eggs continue to go up, if you can find them. This problem is not going away either. A new strain was just found the other day. California has declared a state of emergency with their dairy herds because it's so prevalent. It's not fatal in dairy cattle, but it reduces their milk production. Luckily, it hasn't mutated or been shown to spread from person to person yet, and cases in people are still rare, although they are rising. If it mutates to the point where it can more easily spread from person to person, get ready for pandemic 2.0. This problem isn't going away on its own. Egg prices will probably continue to go up. Commercial poultry operations have implemented very strict biosecurity rules to try and mitigate the problem, but it's still happening. I really feel bad for that business. Imagine having to euthanize flock after flock of birds because of this. It would be so devastating. It's their livelihood on the line. I don't mean to terrorize anyone here about it with post. I just want people to be more aware of this.
  2. We may be in for a similar event here early Saturday too. Snow totals may top 6 inches here. Astonishingly, that would be our biggest snow thus far this winter.
  3. If anyone is thinking of posting a rock bass in this thread…DON’T.
  4. I agree with @softwateronly, a fluoro leader will work better against sharp rocks and zebra mussels. You still need to freqently check it for damage though. Weak spots in fluoro are where it breaks. The OP sounds like he is fishing in some really gnarly habitat so the only solution may be to use rope instead lol
  5. I use Blue Label as leader material on some of my setups. Primarily because of its ability to mitigate pike and muskie cut offs. I primarily use it when I am tossing presentations that pike notoriously love like spinnerbaits, chatterbaits, and crankbaits. I use both 20 and 30 pound test. Anything above that is too stiff to tie knots with. Make sure you check the line frequently for damage, just like you would with any other type of fluorocarbon. Its good until there's a weak spot. I'll fully admit I sometimes get lazy doing this and then a pike takes advantage of that, and I get cut off. Then profanity follows.
  6. No. The Powerdrive is an electric steer version. I used one for years on our family fishing boat and I hated it. The response was slow and loud. To me it sounds like you will want to go with an Ultrex. It has more responsive steering with the pedal and also has spot lock capabilities. Make sure the cut out/recessed tray is the appropriate size for the Ultrex pedal should you decide to go that route. The pedal dimensions for the Edge that you currently have may not be the same.
  7. Bear in mind that the Terrova is an electric steer version with a flatter pedal, and the Ultrex is more of a cable/hyrid version with a larger pedal. You would probably want a cut out/recess tray up front for the Ultrex pedal. In the photo if looks like there is already one there for the Minnkota Edge. I don't know what kind of bow mount you had on your last boat but the two operate very differently. I'm more a cable steer foot pedal guy myself but lots of people prefer electric steer versions using the remote.
  8. Just my personal preference, but I insist to trying on anything like this ahead of time before buying. Some may disagree with that notion. Shoes and clothes are not something I buy without trying on.
  9. I have cables on my Ranger trailer that came standard. I've never really considered this subject though. I've seen lots of trailers with chains, and lots with cables. I've never had a hitch come off either so I can't comment on any personal experience that the OP is speaking of. The hitch coming off of the ball doesn't seem possible to me if you latch it properly, but I'm sure its happened before to plenty of people out there. As far as locks, I use both a hitch lock and a pin lock, keyed alike. They are not completely thief proof. If someone has the time, the balls, and the right tools, they will get through them. I see plenty of trailers without locks nearly every access I visit, so if someone wants to steal a trailer, they would simply take one without locks. My goal is to just make it a little tougher than the next guy. I look at it like outrunning a bear; I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to outrun the other guy.
  10. I just realized there is an actual Sitka outlet store not far from me. The whole store is nothing but Sitka brand apparel.
  11. I got a whopping one inch of snow overnight.
  12. If there is room in between the gunnels and each console, you could lay them there. Unfortunately, the size of the boat is inhibiting available rod storage. My boat is nearly 18 feet and has a side rod locker but I would prefer a bigger one right in the middle.
  13. Usually if it appears too good to be true, it is.
  14. I ate a lot of those growing up. And some northern pike too. They're all better eating than bass. Maybe you need to lather them up in more batter, deep fry the crap out of them, and dip them in tartar sauce lol
  15. The problem is that's not the standard across the spectrum. Most leagues and amateur tournaments do nothing close to that because they aren't able to. They don't have the manpower or funding for it. I'm generally ok with a weigh in at a central location outside of two time periods: 1) spawn, and 2) midsummer. There's absolutely no reason to pluck fish off their beds and haul them around in a live well while they're trying to reproduce. Nor is it justified during midsummer when the water is above 75 degrees. And although I don't keep a lot of fish to eat, I'm ok with selective harvest of smaller bass.
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