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thediscochef last won the day on October 24 2023

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About thediscochef

  • Birthday December 8

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Denton, TX
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Ray Roberts, Whitney, Possum Kingdom
  • Other Interests
    i like eatin'

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Community Answers

  1. In the public lake I mostly fish, there are no secrets, there are no secret spots. If you can throw it at bass, they've probably seen it by now. Stealth, persistence, and presentation have been my best assets to that. I have noticed that when I fish less pressured waters my catch rates are 2x or more than they are at my usual public lake. One private pond around memorial day I got 16 in one day and could barely eek out 5 at the public lake the same week. It's important for me to adjust expectations for the water I'm fishing to avoid unnecessary frustration
  2. Fish didn't get the memo, I barely avoided a skunk. I think following @Pat Brown's advice would have helped some, I had one good looking follower and three small missed blowups. Wind shifted earlier than forecast and blew everything out of my cove, the north wind seems to have been the key. I should have gone across the lake but that's a 30 minute drive
  3. A guy reminded me to throw the dang senko if I see bait being pushed after the sun is too high for them to hit the walker anymore. That landed me two extra fish today. He was the only other guy catching, we traded some info. He fishes rayburn and Toledo mostly. Good dude. Obviously catches em. It's already 64 degrees out as of 10pm, it will be 55 or so at waters edge in the morning so I will be out there throwing at em. Tuesday morning will be the same. I have a clear plan, four specific lures and combos ready to go. Hopefully I get some catching done.
  4. I'm just here to say that Ugly Stik could make a "S--- Stik" and I think that would actually sell decently
  5. Night fishing season is over for me. Spooky season arrived at approximately 4am this morning as the thermometer finally read a number that started with a 5. My beloved fall topwater cove is now active. Caught 6 in about 2 hours, in front of three kayaks and about four other shore anglers who all showed up after me. Nothing over about two pounds, but it's good to know that pattern is setting up. Man it feels good to be back in my button up
  6. Went fishing twice yesterday, caught 5 total. Not great but better than it's been going. I mostly fished in the rain, I'm gonna need to regrease a few reels this week. Started off with a super dink Lm on a wacky rig. Then two spotted bass on a choppo 120. That night I had two decent LM one on a red eye shad and one on a chatterbait. They're all mixed up with the abrupt arrival of fall around 8pm Monday but it's nice to pick some off
  7. My favorite ones are polarized purple mirror/smoke Grey prescription from zenni. I like purple and I can see the fishes in the water
  8. that's more or less what JS did with us when we went last year. He put us on fish just fine, I just sucked that day. he's responsible for my newer habit of carrying a texas rig everywhere I go
  9. It was 97 here over the weekend, water temps are 83-86. As far as I'm concerned it's still August 18th
  10. I have arthritis in my hands and my left knee dislocates randomly sometimes when I bend it wrong I live off Tylenol extended release
  11. This spotted bass threw a half a bluegill up on me a couple weeks ago and all I've caught since are bluegill or warmouth. I've been cursed or something. I think the devil does it
  12. One of these days I'll get back to catching the other kind of bass
  13. You'll have to let me know if it fixes the issue. I generally spool mine to about 1/16 of an inch from the edge, much deeper than that and you lose some casting distance. Contact with the lip creates friction which shortens your casts. So there is usually a sweet spot. The v-shape line lay helps with that, you can get closer to the edge without being as prone to wind knots. I've never really had line twist affect me in any noticeable way, I know it's an issue sometimes but I've never run into it
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