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  1. June does seem like a great month for bass fishing up here in the Northeast too. The water's still a bit cool which the bass like, and there's plenty of topwater action at dawn and dusk. I also find them really active around any structure like docks or weedlines as they're feeding up before the spawning season. You're right that conditions can vary in different regions - some areas may see better fishing later in summer. Either way, it's always refreshing to get out on the water this time of year. Tight lines!
  2. My wife and daughter surprised me with a vacation trip! I love it so much!
  3. @throttleplate, it looks like you've had some interesting fishing experiences in the Philippines over the years! It's a bummer that the drought may affect the fishing at Pantabangan dam. Ocean fishing with those local clubs seems like a great way to enjoy the culture, though.
  4. I always use 2-3 rods for kayak fishing. A light spinning rod for panfish and topwater frogs is a must. Also, a medium heavy rod for flipping heavy cover or casting swimbaits. And if I have the room, I'll bring along a bait caster for really chunking cranks or frogs way out there.
  5. Ernest Thompson Ray Scott Hank Parker Kevin VanDam
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