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Bladed Jig Into Swim Jig?


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Yeah, there's always a way, but a decent jig head is like a buck or two. A better picture of that stub you got there will help. It would have probably been easier to get the original setup to work, but experimenting, and trying things is how we learn, so I commend you for that.

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10 hours ago, Deleted account said:

Yeah, there's always a way, but a decent jig head is like a buck or two. A better picture of that stub you got there will help. It would have probably been easier to get the original setup to work, but experimenting, and trying things is how we learn, so I commend you for that.

Here's a couple of pics of the stub.  It's pretty flimsy...I can bend it with my fingers...so I'm pretty sure it will not work as a line tie if I just bend it.  The original design had this stub running through a single hole in a blade which allowed for the head to just roll during the retrieve.  20220125_072116.thumb.jpg.85eb57b796b85f8360fdd281494b97b7.jpg



My thought is to try to drill a hole somewhere in the head but, as I'm not into tackle-making, I thought I'd see if this is a good idea, or if someone had a better idea.  The head seems like a nice head, so I'd like to salvage it if possible.  

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If it was me, I'd cut the lead off, save the keepers, and pour another head. If the hook has an eye inside the lead, you have a stout worm hook. That "pretty flimsy...I can bend it with my fingers" pretty much sums it up that you're in for a big let down ahead.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a note on bladed jigs that spin instead of vibrate...the weight of the jighead is too light vs the water resistance on the blade.  If I have an issue with anything that spins...just add split shot onto the hook shank until it runs level and vibrates.  Runs a bit deeper but that's OK.  

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