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  • Gender
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    Charlotte, NC
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Potomac and New Rivers

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  1. VolFan


    My younger brother (who’s juuuust 30) got shingles about a month ago. He and his wife initially thought it was poison ivy until it go very painful. Some area - under pec around to the back. I want no part of that.
  2. $50 is a lot for a basic reel clean. I send mine in groups to @Delaware Valley Tackle on a semi-regular basis to save on the shipping. They are always SIGNIFICANTLY better functionally on return. He even gives forum members a discount.
  3. I tend to feel like their strike zone is bigger in the clearer water, but the fish are a little harder to locate. Where mud and rocks meet is usually where I find decent fish, bonus if it’s on a point with some veg and deeper water nearby. There’s also a ton of structure in less than 20 ft of water that’s great for wobble heads or t-rigs. As you get further south you get more boat traffic and wind, and it gets sketchier in the summer, especially trying to fish offshore a little.
  4. I mostly base it on the time of year, access to deep water, my mood, moon phase, and which ramp I end up at. Generally I haven’t seen a huge difference but I like the west side better in general.
  5. Same as before, should be some schools of shad starting to form. If you find spots in open water, they tend to school by size so if you’re catching 1-2 lb fish, try to find a school of bigger. T-rigs or shaken heads around docks for getting a bigger largemouth, but they can be elusive. I like creature baits in either red/black if you’re around sediment and vegetation or green pumpkin/blue on the rocks. Also great offshore on a football swing head around rock piles/scattered rocks.
  6. On the Catawba chain in NC (and previously on the Potomac) it’s not unusual at all. I’ve also had big blue cats eats wakebaits with enough regularity to be almost a pattern. Annoying and slimy, but a big cat is probably more fun than a 2 lb largemouth.
  7. I’d like to see them do one ‘Fish Wherever You Want’ weekend with photo/scale style scoring. Basically an all-virtual event but you could have a few camera crews scattered around. Best bag wins.
  8. Easy - Measure 68 and then cut one yard off.
  9. #7 on that list doesn’t get used nearly enough….
  10. Truly an OG mod, and living in my hometown of Memphis to boot! Bravo young man! ps - I thought he’d died at the start of Glenn’s write-up. Got that pit-of-my-stomach feeling. Whew!
  11. With Garmin and Lowrance being significant sponsors, I’m not sure they’re going to ban one of their sponsors’ key products. I could be wrong.
  12. Look it - fly fishing for carp is the real deal. They are very similar to redfish or even bonefish in shallow water, nose down and tail up, and spook just the same. It is a total blast hooking up a 10+ bulldog on fly tackle, infinitely better than almost any bass in the same water.
  13. I used paracord and a 1000 lb magnet from Amazon. Gloves are essential for the rope and the pieces of rusty metal you end up with. It is actually kind of fun, but I wouldn’t spend a ton of money, mine lost interest after a few trips. Bring a 5 gallon bucket for trash. Pull from the transom if you stick to something heavy.😀 Also -there’s more fun stuff around boat docks and walkways. Just beware their hardware.
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