I believe that they cut a lot of corners or just choose the lowest cost options. Comparing the subject reel to say my Lews American hero reel I have that is 4 years old, the subject reel out performs that reel. The fit and finish aspect of my comment as it applies to just Abu Garcia reels, I would say that if I did a blind test, the 2 C3’s (20+ years old) and the Black Max 3600 (20+ but previous owner took very good care of it) vs the Revos, 2 of which were in the 200+ range, I would say today that the older reels feel and look better made, and perform better. I would likely say that the Revos aren’t worth the money I paid for them, luckily I got them on clearance because they were last years models. Which is a great way to get expensive cheap, because 2-3 years down the road whether you bought last years model or the latest greatest is irrelevant. Overall I am disappointed with most of the newer reels I have bought, most of my older reels are much better quality than the newer reels, but they just don’t cast as far.
The thing I do not know, is the factory where the Sougayilang reel is made, is it one that makes reels for other brands as well?
I think I hijacked my own thread, but this is a very good and interesting discussion.