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Your Confort Zone?

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Hey guys and gals,

Quick question.  I know that everyone has that favorite lure, favorite place, presentation, structure, etc.

So when you go out on a new area of water, whether it is a new area on an old lake, or a brand new lake to you, what is the automatic first thing that you try.

For me it is the 4 points around small creek bridges, with a jig n' pig, near a shallow flat, with quick access to a deeper area.  It doesn't matter the time, place, or conditions.  This is my confort zone.  

So, what is yours?

Thanks  ;D

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Mine is Usually right off tops Rip-Rap the rocks right off the Bridges.....its a great place to start then I work my way to find fallen timber or brush in the water sumthin that looks like its holding sum fish then il use all kinds of lures til I find out what the fish want....also sometimes near docks or grass....whatever I can find that mothernature has already put in the water....thanks!

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On big water I always start on a deep point in the main channel and work the point into the cove, arm or creek. Bigger fish are generally in deeper water. Yeah, I know, everyone catches their big fish shallow, but thats NOT where they live. I had some recent success doing this at Bull Shoals fishing the windblown shoreline. I was fishing a steep sloping bank in 60-80 ft of water with a Lucky Craft 128 Pointer that suspends at 6-8 ft (I think). I caught a 5 lb smallmouth that I suspect was staging in fifteen or twenty feet of water where the baitfish were thick.

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I like to find laydowns are any visual cover. I'll start off throwing a spinnerbait or crankbait just to see if I can get on some active fish and cover a lot of water. If I pick up a fish or just have a gut feeling they are there then I'll turn around and fish the area again with a slow presentation such as a jig 'n' pig, creature, or worm, or even slowing down my spinnerbait retrieve.

This is usually my starting point but I always keep an open mind and try to let the fish tell me what they want!

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This is what make this site so great, people all know what they like and not afraid to say it.  I like to start Ihere in Fl) in the canal or where running water comes in the lake.  I usually start with a spinner bait or if I get to the water earky enough maybe a buzzbait if the temp is right.  Good fishn ;D

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First ill head towards fallen timber, then vegetation. Throw spinnerbaits and jigging worms in the wood while in the vegetation ill throw lizards across the top and pitch it into the pockets.

I have no confidence at all fishing deep water, just dont know how to approach it.

I also need to broaden my lure variety. :-/

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shallow water with vegetation is what i look for first thing in the morning, or wherever the baitfish are. then i'll usually throw out a buzzbait or a pop-r. a good way to find bait fish is by paying attention to the animals... look for where the birds are swooping down on the lake for baitfish... best bet is that's where your bass are going to be. i also listen for the bull frogs... when they stop croaking in the morning, that's usually when i find that the fish move down deep and don't bite as much, and when the bull frogs start croaking again that evening, i'll put away any soft plastics i may be fishing with and go straight back to topwater, b/c i find that the bass move back up to the shallow water to feed.

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bassman and bassmaster,  now thats good info I might be able to really use, I'ma see if it might apply to my fishin...  

and since I'm fishin on shore, I have to focus the most on the best area to fish within a small part of the lake.  

when I have much of a choice, I like plastics on top of grass, crankbaits in front of cover..  I am at a point where I dont have much I like the most because I am learning all kinds of new things besides shallow running crankbait everywhere...

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Listening for bullfrogs...old school, but I like it.  Just like watching for cows grazing.  Cows a grazin' the fish are bitin'.  Anyway, I like to come to a new place and look for 2 things, 2 types of cover that come together.  Like wood on a point, or vegetation with wood, or a contour change near deep water, etc.  I think the more multiples you have in your corner, the better your chances in any kind of condition.  Good luck man.

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