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Koz last won the day on May 30 2021

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Lake Sinclair, GA
    Lake Oconee, GA
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass

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  • About Me
    I run hotels for a living. Sometimes they run me.

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Big 'un (7/9)




Community Answers

  1. Have you checked out the list of small public fishing lakes: https://www.outdooralabama.com/where-fish-alabama/alabama-public-fishing-lakes-pfls In GA we call them public fishing areas and boats are restricted to idle speed. Our DNR does a good job managing them and most hold big bass.
  2. Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, right now my plans are on hold. Not canceled, just on hold. We’re short staffed at my hotel and I need to address that first.
  3. Koz


    If you want to understand more about sugar and sugar substitutes see the articles and videos by Vinny Tortorich. They will change everything for you when it comes to eating. I did great for a few months without sugar, but then it crept back into my life. I’m back to no almost no daily sugar intake and hope to keep it that way.
  4. Let’s start off by saying’s that I added livescope to my kayak this past year. Between that, a few rods, reels, tournament fees, travel, and accessories I really don’t want to add it all up. Plus now I’m looking at adding a Yakima rooftop rod holder and crossbars😞
  5. Koz


    Shaky shot. A combination shaky head and drop shot. Next up is trying a Carolina shot.
  6. I wear eyeglasses, so I just bought a pair of Cocoons fit overs. I chose the polarized amber lens with the green mirror.
  7. There are a lot of factors deterwhen I use a leader. But in general, when I finesse fish I use a leader. When I power fish I use straight braid.
  8. Orange Lake is on my list as I’ll be driving right by it. Headwaters might be a bit too far off my planned path for this trip. I want to keep drive time to a minimum so I can maximize sleeping and fishing.
  9. There was at least one tournament in my region this year where the paired up boaters. They had to split time fishing off the bow and the stern. I was looking forward to fishing the tournament on Oconee since my hotel is on that lake. It should be a docks and seawalls event, but it’s not worth the entry fee if you draw a scoper. Boaters don’t care about local knowledge.
  10. No, the issue is boaters who fish deep water and spend the day turning in circles and running over the lines of the co-anglers. Or the boaters who use FFS, see fish in the co-angler quadrants, then spin the boat around and box out the co-angler. It wasn’t so bad last year, but this year was ridiculous if you were a co-angler trying to fish. How bad was it? In the recent MLF survey co-anglers nearly unanimously voted against FFS. In light of the updated rules, MLF needs to end the farce and drop the co-angler or clarify the rules on impeding co-anglers.
  11. That’s why I quit fishing both the Phoenix and Toyota series. Heck, we have a Super Event on one of my home lakes in two weeks and the MLF brass are staying at my hotel, but I won’t fish the event. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy FFS and have it on my kayak. But it makes for a miserable experience as a co-angler. MLF could clear this up if they would define their rule that states boaters must not inhibit co-anglers. I have asked MLF to define this and provide examples but it has fallen on deaf ears. I’ll stick with my kayak tournaments. Edit: The recent survey conducted by MLF showed that almost unanimously, co-anglers wanted FFS banned in co-angler events. MLF rejected that. Good luck finding enough co-anglers. Boaters are not going to be happy when they start pairing up boaters to equalize the field.
  12. I spoke with an MLF tournament director today and they hope to make an announcement in the next week or two.
  13. Have you considered building a boat shed on your property?
  14. Listening to the BTL podcast I found it very interesting that BASS does not have a pre-approval process for new technology. That seems dumb. So an angler shows up with new technology, creates a firestorm, and THEN the league reacts.
  15. While I’m reading this I’m petting my dog while he’s curled up next to me on the couch. He has his independent streak, but he’s also my shadow. He stands guard outside the bathroom door when I shower. When I go out back to fish he walks with me along the bank and sits on the dock when I fish there. Whatever I’m doing he loves just to hang out and be nearby. That’s not “just a dog”, that’s my friend.
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