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About msgf91

  • Birthday 12/01/1984

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    Between 5-6 lbs
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Community Answers

  1. I don't really like the current debate about left retrieve vs right online. People are straight toxic on reddit and youtube. Someone will post a picture of their new reel and someone will respond with "hope you are left handed" "just do it the right way ". It seems like it would be discouraging for people. We should all be on the same team. When I was growing up, nobody liked fishing, besides for a few friends. Everyone else said it was boring. With casting i prefer to trigger grip to cast and spider grip to palm the reel during the retrieve. The easiest way it seems for me to do this, is to go from right trigger to left palm because that's only switching hands once. I've seen the videos of people casting right trigger, then switch to right palming, most switch hands twice because they'll offload the weight to their left hand while holding the handle knob then switch to right palming offloading the weight back to the right hand. That's twice. With spinning reels I switch the handles to the right side but that's because I do most of my spinning reel fishing with live bait. So it's muscle memory with lures.
  2. My dad was real frugal when I was growing up and he'd buy rods and reels on sale. He'd want my brother and I to take care of everything so it would last. So we would use the same gear for 5 to 10 years. So when I got older I guess I rebelled against my dad and started buying all kinds of different brands and models just to try things out. I made it a policy for awhile to make sure not to buy the same models. But I liked the latest SS Air so much I got a 2nd one.
  3. Don't do it! It's a trap! The baitmonkey just wants you to find a new "warm and fuzzy"! I thought i would be getting less spinning tackle after trying BFS but the baitmonkey said "well now you need to step up your spinning game" All kidding aside, when I tried BFS, it was quite meh because I was already using spinning tackle and having a blast UL and L fishing. But what it did was just give me something new to be obsessed with. Especially now with the CDM market blowing up. There's so many reels and rods.
  4. Wanted to try out Ark rods, so i got one of the new Wes Logan Leatherman do everything regular Action rods. Then the baitmonkey wanted another SS Air for the 7'6 Cashion BFS
  5. I have the TW exclusive UL and the 7'6 L. They definitely have fast actions and are stiff or crisp. I'm not sure how to describe. I have other UL rods that kind of bounce around when I walk with them while the Cashion UL doesn't. I'd imagine the ML probably has a similar stiffness as the UL and L
  6. Tackle Advisors will always be my main channel to watch. But after he stopped putting out videos as often , I had to find 10 other channels to get my reel porn fix. Thereeltest was one of them. But I kind of stopped listening to him and just watch the videos for the reel porn. I don't care how much he shills for the Aldebaran, I like the SS Air more. (I have both). I should make my own channel and call it thereelpornfix. No talking, no shilling, just the closeup shots you're looking for so you can make your own decisions if you want to buy the reel. Edit: i went and created a Gmail and YouTube account with that name
  7. I have the shallow spool edition. Like mentioned, it can get down to bfs weights but not the best at it. I have mine on a ALX Light+ spinning rod custom made into a casting rod with carbon grips. The different paint job pairs well with the carbon grips. It works great with small keitech swimbaits. But I ended up really liking the rod for it's intended purpose, which was drop shot. 5 lb Sniper and a Light+ really makes the shallow spool shine as a reel for blurring the line between bfs and regular bass finesse (ML). Also I'm not too worried about the aluminum gears because I keep drag low for drop shot.
  8. It doesn't need to be horse head, just needs to be small like the roadrunners. I use mostly 1/16th and 1/8th ounce. I'll check out the fusions, thanks for the suggestions
  9. Hello, wasn't sure if this is the right place to ask, does anyone know any good custom roadrunner/pony head underspins? I've been using roadrunners for awhile and have really been doing well recently using small swimbaits with them. But I was wanting to try nicer versions. Stouter hooks or less over spray on the spinner part. I've seen a few on Etsy but wasn't sure if Etsy was the only place to find them. Thanks for any info. Also, I've tried the finspins you can get at academy but I never have any luck with them.
  10. I think Loomis let TFO use some of his old "scrims" designs back when they were moving into the conventional-fishing rods. So they had the Garry's signature models and the GTS Garry's tactical series. But since then I haven't heard anything about Loomis being involved in any of their series. I've been using TFO for awhile because I work near their warehouse in DFW. I opted to pick up my latest rod from the warehouse so I could check out the showroom. I got to handle some of the centra casting rods, but haven't used one yet. I was thinking about getting one mainly because my benefit is if there's any warranty issues I can just drop my rods off in person. They also have a made in USA higher end panfish rod that I might try out first. I've been on a huge BFS and panfish rods kick lately.
  11. I recently saw on digitaka there's a new Alphas BF. Looks like they took the Alphas and shoe horned the SS Air side plate on it to use the SS Air spool. Has anyone picked one up yet? I almost picked one up but decided on another SS Air in case they discontinue it soon. I'll probably pick up the new Alphas soon because it's offered in 6.3 which looks great for reaction baits. Looks like they would compliment each other. SS Air, the magnesium steez of mid range bfs reels, and the 6.3 Alphas BF as the Steez A2 of the mid range bfs.
  12. For me I think the next level of sensitivity is not feeling the bumps and thumps differently, but feeling of sudden changes in tension more often. Sure I could feel it every once in awhile. But with a more expensive rod I feel it more. I picked up an ALX Enox Aura a year or so ago and was disappointed at first. Bumps and thumps didn't feel any different. But with bottom contact I could feel when the fish just held on to the lure. Or when I was fishing for crappie I could feel them just swim with the lure in their mouth.
  13. If you were just wanting to try out BFS, maybe a Soloking hicc50 would be a good option. When they're on sale you can order them from Aliexpress for $25. It's a good $50 reel. That way you get the full BFS experience without breaking the bank. Then if you like it you can order a higher end reel.
  14. Not necessarily a 33, but I did see on tackle Warehouse that they had hundred dollar zebco spincast reels. At first I was like I would never spend that much on a spincast. But then the nostalgia bait monkey appeared and made me think about it. Maybe I'll get one and put it on a catfish rod. When I was little that's all we used to use for bank fishing. 202's for bluegills, 404 for stinkbait, and 33's for floating minnows.
  15. I use mostly sunline but lately I've been using seaguar Tatsu and daiwa Samurai also.
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