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Fishing Rod Retail Pricing


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I am starting a new rod line with components sourced in Japan and assembled in China. Besides selling through e-commerce, I would like to sell at local tackle shops. What type of rods would shop owners be most interested in, price range, what is the price mark up percentage for spinning/baitcaster fishing rods? Would they be interested in a new rod brand that has not been established in the market yet?

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I would guess most wouldn't be interested. Your best bet to grow the brand would probably be through funding programs like KickStarter or to find some private investors and grow a website on you own. 

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  • Super User

 "What type of rods would shop owners be most interested in"


Rods that sell with high margins, however you get there. Ask shop owners to give up either Ugly Stixs or NRXs, and see what happens. Of course bait and terminal tackle beats both by a long shot.

Oh, and why would you want to do that to yourself?  Angling hard goods have some of the lowest margins in sporting goods, which in turn has lower margins than most other retail sectors.


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This kind of falls into the realm of a lot of other goods, it's absolutely saturated with products, first off, the harsh bit, nobody cares about your name/brand, it simply isn't going to impress anyone, unless your rod line is doing something that nobody else is already doing better, the tackle shops have absolutely no reason to be interested in you, now if your bringing Megabass or G Loomis quality for Black Max prices, you might just have something, but if your just another mid priced rod doing the same thing as any other mid priced rod, what possible upside do you offer? Your taking up valuable shelf/shop space, are completely unknown to both retailers and customers, it's extremely high risk and low reward.


The easier to hear bit is that if you are willing to make the sacrifices to get the thing off the ground, you can attend tackle conventions/shows, run your own website and procure private capital to fund your venture if you look in the right places, and you will learn a whole lot about manufacturing and selling products too, just remember to be realistic about your expectations, your not going to be outselling Lews or St. Croix or whoever in a very, very long time. 

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You will be facing a problem that has existed for many, many years: Copy Cats from Asia.


Even if you patent your products, if they are successful the Chinese, etc. will make your product and sell it cheaper than you, putting you out of business.


Nothing you can do to stop it.


So maybe you can find an American company to help you with production and guard your patent.


Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One big problem to overcome is price as a perception of quality.  The 'price' pricing strategy...i.e. the more expensive it is, the better it is perceived to be, and also the opposite where cheaper priced products are believed to be inferior.  I don't have an answer on how to overcome this.  I believe Ark has a  rod close to $100 with a 40T Toray blank.  Value that would be hard to beat.

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