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throttleplate last won the day on August 5 2021

throttleplate had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Minn-ND border  and  Iloilo city, Philippines
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    detroit lakes, MN. lake Ashtabula, North Dakota. Dams are my go to.

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Community Answers

  1. Quail eggs are very popular in the Philippines, i dont know where they are originating from but everyone from street vendors, sellers on bikes, and grocery stores are selling them.
  2. I Have some extra egg layers, i can deliver for cheap if you want, yes they are alive and well.
  3. I will stick to duck eggs myself.
  4. fargo nd is 16 inches below normal for this time of year.
  5. Heated blankets are the ticket for me. I bought a really thick plush one 2 years ago and level one is perfect when its above freezing but level 2 is used when its 15 degrees or colder. Level 3 and higher is like a pizza oven. The heat from the blanket keeps my whole body warm and i believe it helps keeps my joints loose through the nite.
  6. back in the 60,s i used to leave big hints on what i wanted, such as taking the sears toy catalog and leaving it on my bed next to me when sleeping with it open to the page with the toy i wanted circled. My dad back then made $60.00 a week working full time and looking back at my age now i feel like such a fool wasting his money on stupid plastic junk. BAH HUMBUG
  7. best wishes for your dad.
  8. You probably have a few in your freezer i would geuss.
  9. Today is that thursday @gimruis here in fargo nd. Gonna breakout the Bobcat later today as its still snowing here at 10.00am until 4pm. My dad bought the bobcat new in 1975 and with its gear driven transmission with a geared transfer case reducer this blower has power, just 1 forward and 1 reverse gear, the 2nd stage paddle thrower is also gear and chain driven. I also have my other snow thrower for backup.
  10. Some of you members knew i would put this up, i couldnt resist, but yes there is protien in these buggers, Alot of skinny natives in Thailand.
  11. I tried at the age of 3, Schlitz was my favorite.
  12. Living in the phillipines sleeping in a grass nipa hut on a bamboo floor i put a loaf of bread next to me where i slept so if i get hungry i can just grab a slice not needing light to find the bread. Well i woke up pitch black in the room and opened up the bread and grabbed a slice, as i chewed the bread my mouth started to feel like when you put your tongue on a 9 volt battery to test it. I jumped for the light switch to find my bread was covered over by red fire ants, i had allready swallowed most of it. Nothing happened to me, didnt get sick and my mouth was fine but i lost my loaf of bread.
  13. I like my gravel in the morning, add milk and sugar to eliminate the rocky aftertaste.
  14. Yes i to used the magnetic heater on my honda civic untill i put a block heater in it. I couldnt leave the magnetic heater on the oil pan when using the car as the ground clearance was a major problem.
  15. good luck my friend
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