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Jrob78 last won the day on November 21 2015

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About Jrob78

  • Birthday 07/30/1900

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    Dallas, TX

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  1. Romo doesn't bother me too much when he stays on topic and is prepared. I just think he and Jim Nance are a terrible pairing. Romo is so goofy and Nance is so serious and professional, it just isn't a good match to me.
  2. Your questions is confusing. What weights are you trying to throw with a baitcaster? If you're trying to go light with a MH St. Croix rod, the reel isn't going to make any difference.
  3. I chose poorly ?‍♂️
  4. If I could only use one brand to cover everything it would be Strike King. If I could pick one for hardbaits and one for softbaits it would be Lucky Craft and Zoom.
  5. Driving is hard. Yes that is wet concrete ?
  6. Agree completely, it's an amazing rod for the things it does well but it doesn't do a whole lot well. I find the effective weight range to be very small, but if you stay in that range it's awesome.
  7. To me the X-Bites is a phenomenal finesse jig rod and maybe 3/8oz jigs and t-rigs. It doesn't have the power for anything heavier though, imo. From what I hear the FMJ is the rod for jigs in that range.
  8. I don't have any experience with the Xtasy rods. I've only fished one P5, the X-Bites, but it is amazing in sensitivity and balance. No experience with any of the NRX+ rods either.
  9. I've always been a fan of St Croix rods and I thought the Mojo line was a good sub $200 rod when they moved to SCIII graphite blanks, especially when compared to the SCII Bass X and Premier lines. At this point though I too would be leaning toward the Victory for a just a few dollars more, a better blank and better looking.
  10. I don't really see the point in running braid to leader on a baitcaster, unless maybe you were fishing gin clear water and visibility was a concern, which isn't an issue where I fish. It's personal preference though, I already don't like braid and in my experience leaders just complicate things to me without adding a noticeable benefit. I pretty much only use braid on standard braid techniques, like frogs, some topwaters, punching, pitching heavy vegetation, and the occasional swimjig, and have never felt the need to use a leader, with the exception of the topwater to keep the trebles from fouling in the braid. I don't like how braid handles, the occasional, inevitable bait cast off, slack line sensitivity is terrible and I don't like how it floats, I don't want to mess with tying leaders and I actually like some stretch in my line.So it's a no for me. All that said, that isn't a judgement on what other people use just my experience with it, if braid works for you and want to add a leader, go for it! A lot of people do it with great results.
  11. Hedgehog Alchemy Oil Ultra Light and TG's Rocket Fuel Yellow are what I normally use.
  12. It's not even that the food isn't good, it's fine, but it's way too expensive for what it is. Off the top of my head: Olive Garden Chili's Applebee's In-N-Out
  13. It was a serious collision. The passenger side of the police car is destroyed and the orange car went up on 2 wheels and almost rolled over. They took the driver in an ambulance, the officer was ok. I was walking out of a restaurant and saw a helicopter circling tightly overhead and a police car flying down the highway service road. I watched him turn into a mall access street and this orange car slam into him. I found out later the cop was heading him off as he was running through the mall parking lot trying to get back to the highway. Apparently there was a drug bust and this guy ran, the chase went through several cities and caused several accidents along the way. I just happened to walk out in time to see how it ended.
  14. Caught the ending of a long police chase. Orange car hit the police car head on and then cops rushed in with guns drawn and drug him out of the car ?
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