I like the barbwire and dalmation tabs a lot
I kind of feel like you can just get a few versions of brown, green pumpkin, watermelon, amber/pumpkin in any version you like, along with plain black. I like to get some addtional chartreuse, blue, purple, and orange for highlights.
brown-black-pumpkin is a good all-around craw color. Green pumpkin with a little purple, orange and chartreuse makes a good bluegill.
Here is one of my favorite to make for the lakes in my area, which get algae-tinged in the summer. It doesn't mimic anything directly, but possibly everything; I just landed on it after some experimentation with a bunch of different patterns from fishingskirts -- just a brown/green with some lightly-muted chartreuse:
Brown Black BW (SKU: 120) - 1 tab
Money Maker Watermelon Dalmation (SKU: 224) - 1 tab
Bananaseed Dalmation (SKU: 007) - 1/2 tab