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softwateronly last won the day on March 26 2022

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  • Gender
  • Location
    chicago, ill
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Small inland lakes in SW Michigan, shore fish Lake Michigan harbors, and any other body of water I can get on.

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  • About Me
    I shore fish the big lake when the smallies are in the harbors, but do best on an inland lake in SW Michigan.

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Community Answers

  1. There could be an assembled in Japan printed on the bottom near the feet. There are no material differences between the two that I'm aware of, just the possibility of a more thoughtful assembly by a Japanese tech. There is a bigger difference between the 22 and 18 model though. I have and love both, but the 22 does cast better with the slightly elongated frame. you can see the print in these pics... https://www.ebay.com/itm/155914572499?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1QfDh4k4EQOmwSyfpanhDbg27&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=155914572499&targetid=2299003535955&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9217253&poi=&campaignid=21214315381&mkgroupid=161363866036&rlsatarget=pla-2299003535955&abcId=9407526&merchantid=6296724&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw9eO3BhBNEiwAoc0-jWm4kHEwS3pcoo-WZ5XBjvtEvm-DdZP2mnHDLbEve4rfLZcHiPTEDBoCBaAQAvD_BwE scott
  2. I think there are 3 models, 2016, 2018, and 2024. The 2016 had more reported breakage from what I remember and leaned toward jdm lengths and actions. The 2018 models are what I own. Their issues have to do with the finish and are strictly aesthetic. I have the 6'11M+, 7'3MH, 7'2H, and 7'6XH all bought used. My 6'11 and 7'2 have a coating on the blank that has bubbled and eventually popped and flaked off. This was not a pleasant look but affected the rod in no way that I could tell. I'm not the only one that had this issue. Eventually, I worked all the flaking off completely and the rod looks decent again, not as clean as brand new, but good enough. I throw a lot of bottom contact with the 6'11 and 7'2 and think you should expand your free rig search to include the 6'11M+. My favorite of the 4 I own by far and all are well worth $250 in my opinion. scott
  3. Wishing you the best! I hope your treatment is successful and you're able to find the right balance of rest, recovery, and enjoyment. scott
  4. small inland lakes in MI; april may november october june july august march september december *january *february * usually has a lid on it. scott
  5. He was one of the first to take scoping out into the abyss for giant largemouth. Came from the crappie scene. You can be assured that all his content will have him expertly using ffs and be boring as heck to watch, but his success is undeniable. scott
  6. Yeah, very true. 8 hours later I have a $300 list I need to whittle down to under $150. The monkey is my friend. The monkey is a fiend. scott
  7. @HawkeyeSmallie This is my first year with this rod, but it has quickly become my favorite bottom contact rod 1/4-5/8oz, around $245 but costly shipping from japan. Was worried about the 6'6 length originally but absolutely love it for working cover. https://www.plat.co.jp/shop/catalog/product_info/language/en/products_id/74032/cPath/38_4055_170_7555/rod/majorcraft-days-360-d360c-66mh-shipping-is-required.html My other favorite jig rods are Diawa Steez 7'2H power pitch, 1/2-1oz, and poison adrena 6'11M+. All of these feel more sensitive than a conquest, but that's not an nrx and i've never held one. scott
  8. Seasons put baits on sabbatical for me. Slow meandering glides and blade baits don't do much for me in water above 60. 7-8" flutter spoons and large preacher jigs haven't produced for me in cold water yet, but I think they're gonna get another shot this winter/spring. scott
  9. @Bass Rutten they added a 746cb all graphite rod earlier this year. I wish it was 7'6, but that's here nor there. https://dobynsrods.com/product/dc-746cb/ @Huckfinn38 I definitely like the 706cb for spinnerbaits, never really throw chatterbaits on it, I'm usually ripping them from grass and like a faster rod. I also have thrown a gantarel and crank down swimbaits with it. It's my favorite larger underspin rod too. It's been out of rotation this year and needs a reel now, but I can't let it go just yet. I think the longer version is the rod I'd always have rigged, my issue with the 706cb is that my casting distance has always been slightly underwhelming and my lake seems to like covering large flats/breaks with treble hook baits. scott
  10. I agree, been trying to find a replacement for that 3/8oz, long dropper arm, and a good 2/0 medium wire hook. I buy them when on sale and it still hurts, but they catch. I can't find a quality replacement yet, but I'm open to suggestions. The liberos come in a 2 pack with the swimmers and I've yet to need to replace the plastics, I only lose the whole thing to Northerns biting me off. scott
  11. I'm a fan of the Raid Libero and Dirty Jigs TB mini underspin. Not an underspin, but MB Okashira head is also a winner, though a 1/4oz option is sorely needed. MB 3" spark shad, gambler tz and lil ez, and 2.8 keitech are my mainstays though I have loads of new options that I'm still trying out. scott
  12. @papajoe222, I like what you're getting at. The little SK rocket shad is a nice option as well, garbage hook, but the rest is durable enough. Got 2 big fish before I got bit clean off by a northern. Definitely looking to replace it. scott
  13. I’d be lucky to earn that nickname and appreciate the sentiment. I’ve been floundering the last 4-5 weeks in generating any type of pattern. I’m chasing schoolies without good electronics or a working trolling motor. I’ve identified a couple choke points that seem to funnel shad into or out of the open water and work the beginning or end of daylight. But it’s terribly inefficient. In fishing terms, I look forward to some cooler weather/water. That pike was heavy and strong. Needed both hands to lift her over the pontoon sidewall. Got her unhooked, snapped a bad pic, and got her back in the water in less than a minute. Felt good because I fought her on a medium rod and 10lb test for more than a few mins. scott
  14. The IL record smallmouth was caught across from the buckingham fountain.... https://onthewater.com/news/2019/10/23/z-man-ned-rig-hooks-illinois-state-record-smallmouth-bass I fish the 31st harbor most frequently.... scott
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