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king fisher

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king fisher last won the day on August 17 2024

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About king fisher

  • Birthday 04/09/1963

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Puerto Vallarta Mexico
  • My PB
    Between 10-11 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Rock Lake WA
  • Other Interests
    All sport fishing,( fly spin,big game, bass, trout salmon)  Hunting, flying, single engine planes and hang gliders.

Profile Fields

  • About Me
    I grew up in a small town in Eastern WA.  Fished for bass every chance I could. Mostly on a lake near our family farm.  Moved to Alaska, when I was 25.  Have guided anglers and hunters, there for over 30 years. I still go to Alaska for a month each sumer and guide for king salmon.    Most of the year I work as the captain of a private 75 foot Mikelson  sport fishing Yacht based in Puerto Vallarta.  Mostly targeting the cow tuna that PV is famous for.  Do occasionaly fish for blue, black, and striped marlin, sailfish, dorado, waho, and many inshore and bottom species.    Only get a chance to bass fish in June when I go home to Eastern WA to visit family.  Spend the rest of the year reading about bass fishing, and buying bass fishing tackle planning my next trip back home. Have started fishing Aguamilpa lake Nayarit Mexico.  Great fishery, lots to learn. Hope to someday retire in WA and fish for bass everyday, that I'm not hunting. 

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Community Answers

  1. It's a tie between an asteroid colliding with the earth, or nuclear Armageddon.
  2. If I catch a big bass it is because of my superior bass fishing skill. If some one else catches a big bass, they just got lucky.
  3. My super power is the ability to make a bad day good, by using my imagination, combined with a willingness to substitute BS for facts at any given moment. Any mortal can make up a good fishing story, it takes a gifted, story teller with super human powers of persuasion to actually believe their own BS. I would like to see Super Man, Spider man and Women together try to stretch a 2 pound bass into a bass just a hair short of a DD. I doubt they could do it, even if they hand the invisible man holding the scale. I can not only make the two pound bass grow in to a true giant, but I wont even blink an eye while telling the tale.
  4. My line up is small, but I get by. 7' medium heavy Diawa Ardito casting rod, with a Zillion SV reel.- T rigs and jigs 7.6 ' medium heavy Diawa Ardito casting rod with a Tatula 150 reel.- crank baits, chatterbaits, and spinnerbaits. 7' medium Diawas Ardito casting rod with a Tatula CT. reel.- Top water, jerk baits, smaller crankbaits, underspins, and many lures I should use a spinning rod for. 7.6' Heavy Tatula casting rod with a Coastal 150 reel.- Punching, pitching, C Rig, A Rig, Deep diving crankbaits.
  5. I have had good luck selling used fishing gear at half what it cost to buy the item new. Items priced this way sell quickly, and both buyer and seller are usually happy with the deal they get. You have quality well maintained gear, so you may want to price your equipment above my standard half of the cost of new. Maybe 2/3 to 3/4 cost of new would be better on some of your higher value rods.
  6. I think your idea of downsizing tackle is similar to a politicians idea of a downsized budget. I hope you don't have to call for a special purchasing session in the middle of the season. Lots of good stuff, but not a single Rapala product, what's up with that?
  7. Although I live where the ice does not keep me from chasing bass, my work and family obligations have side lined me for a few months now. I am starting to get cabin fever. As usual, I start going through my tackle, when I start noticing symptoms. I can only gaze at my meager collection for so long. So I got the idea to ask members to post their tackle pictures. Pictures of that much tackle, should keep the fever away for days. I want to see pictures of all of it, everything, hard baits, soft baits, hooks, line, rods, reels, boats and motors. Everything bass fishing. Why not see what we have? The more the better. If the internet breaks, I'm sure it can be fixed. I will get it started with a few of my favorites.
  8. I have started taking little blue, oh I'm sorry, wrong forum. All jokes aside, my mind has is not as sharp as it once was. In order to compensate for my ever increasing senior moments, I have started not only writing down the number and size of the bass I catch, but I also make a written note of the lie I plan on telling when asked about the number and size of bass I catch. This way I don't let the truth get in the way of a good story, and I don't make the unforgivable mistake of not letting the bass properly grow and mature as the story is told. One notebook for facts, another one for alternate facts, and a third book to remind me which facts are required in which situations.
  9. Let me introduce you to a friend of mine.
  10. Junebug Zoom Magnum Trick Worm. 4/0 EWG hook, 1/4 oz lead bullet weight, un pegged. Fished on a 7 ft. medium heavy fast rod, with Sunline Sniper 16 pound line.
  11. At least she doesn't wake you up and ask why you just called her a beautiful big hog.
  12. I lay on the beach, watch the sun set, have a cold drink and day dream about ice fishing.
  13. My coach is the Bait Monkey. Win or loose he is always by my side
  14. This has happened to me many times over the years, for all species of fish. After going over my log books, talking to fellow anglers, and reading all of the fisheries biologist reports, I am convinced I have found an answer. Aliens don't want to take over humanity, they only want our big fish. Next time all you catch is dinks, don't look down in into the water for you answer, look up to the stars.
  15. Yes and the big ones are caught on spinnerbaits
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