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JediAmoeba last won the day on March 15 2020

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About JediAmoeba

  • Birthday July 19

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Northeast Pa

  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    French Creek, Beltzville Lake

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    Paul Mailliard
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  • About Me
    I fish a lot and catch a little

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Community Answers

  1. He had a 14th and 18th place finish last year.
  2. I mean, you are wrong. He is a huge ambassador to the sport, including a lot of kids. To mark someone based off a few antics when he was younger while performing his job and passion is inane.
  3. I think to be a big league you need to have a lot more diversity as far as regions in the country go. Despite what Texas does for bass fishing, they shouldn't have 3 of the 10 events. And Florida doesn't need 2. It's no wonder that most bass fishing pros are in the South, the best majority of tournaments are during the spawn in the south. Bed fishing should be outlawed. Generally considered one of the worst classics ever was in Pittsburgh but I thought it was great seeing them figure out a really tough Fishery. I don't want to see these guys always catching 20+ lb sacks - that's just not the way most of the countries fishing is... They should definitely throw in 1 or 2 tidal Fisheries as well. Every major sport goes all over the country and many even expand to international countries. However BASS is stuck going to a few defined Fisheries and states. It really kind of stinks. They don't have coanglers and there are only 100 boats. They could do a little better and expand to other parts of the country and run the season all the way to November. I think they should run 1 event per month for the year. And as previously mentioned they could do all kinds of cool things - team events, buddy tournaments, etc. Fish like a lot of the local clubs around the country so the weekend anglers can relate more.
  4. I believe they should cut back the HP of these boats.
  5. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/zVg5y48E5vNB3nRM/?mibextid=oFDknk Thought this was an interesting take.
  6. There is nothing louder than smacking a 1oz jig off a pontoon at 630 in the morning.
  7. I am fairly proficient at skipping with a baitcaster. One thing people get wrong is that they tighten up the spool tension and try to baby it in there - it's quite the opposite. Loosen that baby up and let her rip with your thumb right on the spool. It really comes down to that initial place the lure hits the water and is a similar motion and angle to skipping rock. The lure should hit the water pretty close to where you are casting from and just keep skipping until it gets to its target. I always aim for a spot 10 yards past where I want to end up and when my lure gets to the spot, I thumb the spool preventing any backlash. Problems arise when your lure comes in contact with something(dock, pontoon, etc.) or you hit a wave. Skipping jigs and chattwrbaits is great but I will also skip spinnerbaits and soft swimbaits a lot.
  8. I like Zona, Mercer though...uggh. I usually mute the broadcast when he is on.
  9. I always see bits and pieces of his schpiel but have never subscribed to him. He doesn't seem to teach much in regards to anything innovative or new.
  10. Randy has a lot of supporters that are older and don't use FFS but to keep their sponsors and not lose fans they keep quiet and don't associate so much with people like Randy. The way thw Johnston brothers operate BASS may as well set up "teams" like NASCAR has....
  11. JT Thompkins failed his polygraph and was DQ'd. Crazy.
  12. What's wrong with boat flips? I boat flip most of mine...
  13. Word is, caught on a wacky worm off the end of a boat dock. Anyone that has fished Cayuga knows it's like thr Jurassic park of Bass fishing. Sooo many bass and they are so big. 5's are pretty common. They need to put gobies in all the northern lakes. Lol
  14. That's a new one - you have any pictures? Are you sure you are getting the threads engaged when you screw it on? I had a reel once that the spool shaft moved laterally towards the spool tension knob and wouldn't work. Maybe this?
  15. Eastern PA- Wackyworm in Gilbert.
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