I posted a topic similar to this a while back, but I figured I’d revisit it again. Lately I’ve had lots of confidence in 3 techniques, a frog a Texas rig and a jig ( including a swim jig). I know that these three aren’t great for everything but they can do a lot. My question is where do you draw the line between being confident in baits and being too stubborn to tie something else on? I can fish a whole 8 hour day using just these 3 and not catch much (or anything) but I still might feel like they fish just aren’t in that area, or I haven’t thrown it in front of any active bass. Is there a specific amount of time that you give it before you switch and stop fishing baits you’re confident it, or is it more of a gut feeling?
Also a little side topic here but in your opinion is it more important to master a handful of techniques or is it more important to be very versatile and know how to throw lots of different baits? I guess a happy medium would probably be best, but I know of lots of pro anglers that only fish a few baits and have great success.
Thanks everyone, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this!