Ronkonkoma is the Rubik's cube of lakes here. Very difficult to crack and seemingly only streaky when you do. Just thousands of square feet of monolithic, tightly packed, tall, thick grass which until this year's high water came right up to the surface. It's been low for the previous 4 years. Snag it with a crank or anything else and you'll uproot a plant 15 feet long from the sandy bottom and it'll feel like you're winding in a wet, velcro, beach towel.
Because the water only came up this year, you'll find hard bottom from the old weed edge up to the tree-brush line all along the shore. Your best bet is fishing low light in these zones as bait fish push up right against the shoreline. LM, SM, and large schools of Walleye and Crappie come in to smash them. Find a hot zone like where the feeder creek from Lily Pond meets the big lake and you can hit the jackpot. That zone heading back to Victory ramp always has activity at night or very early morning. Once the sun's back up everything buries back into the grass. Punching those weed edges closest to the shore is a good strategy during early morning sessions.
There are others too. You just need to be there at the right time as schooling predators are constantly pushing the bait all around. This leads to either random catches or unreal jackpots. I've had my sickest day of fishing ever there, but also my worst arse kickings.