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About Smirak

  • Birthday June 11

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Huntsville, AL
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    TN River, Lake Guntersville

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  • About Me
    Retired/disabled vet. Kayak fisherman at TN River

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. I can’t remember where it was, but when I moved to NH from GA, I drove by one in PA and stopped. That was the biggest I had ever seen. The parking lot looked like it could accommodate a Steelers game… Can’t remember where, but it was awesome.
  2. I live in Huntsville, AL. FedEx ground to me is the same as FedEx next day. I’m only about 4 hrs from their GA location.
  3. I go to Cabela’s nearly daily. At least a couple times a week. I don’t buy from them often, but I do take advantage of some of their stuff. For the price point, the BPS XPS stuff isn’t bad. Also, if I need something, they’re close. If I don’t want to order, I will run out to Waterfront Tackle at Lake Guntersville. If I lm really wanting something, I can run over to TW brick and Mortar in Alpharetta, GA. Only about it 4 hrs from me.
  4. You’re good bro. Anything I/we can do to help?
  5. I just got a new 6’6 just for jerkbait fishing in my kayak. I do not mind standing one bit in my kayak, and actually prefer it most times, even in rough water. I also tell myself while doing it (in the rough water) that it isn’t a good idea and I could get hurt or die…to which my response in my head is generally …and? 😂😂 @LrgmouthShad I will see how the action is while seated if you want (from a 6’6)? Probably this week/end…?
  6. Can’t recommend one (yet). I have a MB Orochi XX Tour Versatile that arrived this weekend. Haven’t fished it yet. However, I have the same Dobyns and Victory you mention. I love both of those rods as well…
  7. You as well my friend! I ate PB&J sandwiches almost exclusively when I was in Fallujah, Iraq for about 3 months. Took me a while before I’d eat them again!
  8. I was in the army, we used to put a LOT of weird stuff in our ramen when we were in the field…I’ve never had PB&J added though. Is that with or without bread? 😂😂😂
  9. Completely off topic, but your signature… Hail State?
  10. I stand in my kayak about 80% or so of the time, regardless of what I’m fishing. I just got a new 6’6 jerkbait rod that I’m going to use this year. That’s a full 6” less than what I normally use. So, we’ll see. That said, if I am fishing a JB, I drop my anchor wizard…
  11. Thanks @GreenPig How do you like that joint? It looks weird. I’m currently fishing the SPRO 50.
  12. I like that bama craw. More orange than some of the commercially available models. If @Siebert Outdoors didn’t get my name for the fishmas 2024 draw, I’ll be ordering some of themses…
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