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Do you consider "live" bait cheating?


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What about using live bait to chum?  Is that cheating, or unethical(fishing wise)?

Never actually "chummed" for bass before but I've seen kids throwing pieces of worms by the hundreds in local waters to attract bass...  And it works.  If it's not "cheating" to use one live bait on a hook, is it "cheating" to use 50 nightcrawlers without a hook to attract bass to a certain area?

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i only fish for bass with artificial lures.any other way is just not bass fishing to me.if i'm trying for panfish to cook i would use worms.at that point i'm not fishing for sport but fishing for the pan.i also think you have a much gretaer chance of gut hooking bass with live bait.

Circle Hooks if you are worried about that. Gut hooks really only happen you aren't paying attention,or it's an inexperienced angler.

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I know I'll be opening a can of worms here (pun intended), but I'd like to know what all you anglers here think of live bait. I only use earth worms when gilly' fishing on an UL setup, and I believe minnows or worms takes the fun out of bass fishing. What are your opinions?

By the very wording of the question, the word "cheating" implies that there are rules or laws in effect.

So let's see...

We have State, county & or city laws.

We have private property rules & tournament rules.

And we have our own moral rules, I think that about covers it.

I guess if you're not breaking one of these laws or rules then you're not cheating.

Do I understand the question properly?

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Umm if KVD won the bass masters classic using live bait, what would that make him?

I think people would say he cheated.

And he would have per the rules of BASS.  If BASS allowed live bait and he won then he wouldn't have cheated.

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I know I'll be opening a can of worms here (pun intended), but I'd like to know what all you anglers here think of live bait. I only use earth worms when gilly' fishing on an UL setup, and I believe minnows or worms takes the fun out of bass fishing. What are your opinions?

My goodness, 6 pages in and nearly 3,000 views and still going strong. As the question was presented, and assuming use doesn't break any state or local laws in your area, the answer is simple - NO.


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I know I'll be opening a can of worms here (pun intended), but I'd like to know what all you anglers here think of live bait. I only use earth worms when gilly' fishing on an UL setup, and I believe minnows or worms takes the fun out of bass fishing. What are your opinions?

My goodness, 6 pages in and nearly 3,000 views and still going strong. As the question was presented, and assuming use doesn't break any state or local laws in your area, the answer is simple - NO.


The isn't simply NO; he ask for and received opinions.


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Since there are no laws against it, it comes down to your conscience <sp?>.  If you feel guilty using live bait, then you are cheating yourself of a good experiance on the water because you wont enjoy it, and therefore should go back to plastic baits.  If you have no problems with live bait, then by all means fish with live bait. 

If there are no laws against it, then the only cheating that can be done is the fisherman cheating himself out of a good trip.  In which case, its only cheating if you feel guilty doing it, but that applies only to yourself.  Don't push your thoughts onto somebody else simply because you feel one way or the other, especially if what they are doing is legal.

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  • 8 years later...
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4 minutes ago, Laridae said:

Don't think you should worry about live bait as cheating.  Fishfinders and boats with huge engines that is cheating a lot harder than a little night crawler.

I see you are new. When replying to a post, pay attention to the date on the thread. Your view is certainly relevant but this thread is 9 years old. 

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Fourscore and nine years ago....


Anyway, live bait is only cheating if you're competing, it's against the rules.  Otherwise, knock yourself out, so long as you're following rules from DNR.

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My casting arm is like a Fiddler crab from casting artificial lures all my life ? The few times I tried live bait both fresh and salt water I found it less than exciting... cast, wait... slow retrieve... Nah.


Dropping a lure in the perfect spot, in a tree, or on a rock just seems natural, and then there's that oversized casting arm to keep developing. 



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Zombie alert!

Nope, not cheating. Fishing is fishing, for all the "I like a challenge" elitists, I'll leave you with this thought (cleaned up to PG) which I love to tell while I'm swinging fish with someone who shares this view;


"I fish to catch fish, If I wanted a challenge, I would learn to do handstands and work on flexibility so I could get naked on the boat and hold the rod between my butt cheeks and reel with my big toe"... 

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