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What do you carry in your crate/blackpak?

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Just curious what tackle everyone carry’s.  Lots of specific technique boxes, or more multi-technique containers. Thanks 

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1. Plano Edge for terminal tackle 

2. Three speed bags. One for worms, one for creature baits, one for minnow baits.

3. Three 3700’s. One for spare parts, two for tackle. I keep four 3700’s in the storage next to my seat on my AP120.

4. Lens wipes for my glasses and graphs.

5. Rapala scale

6. A-rig in a plastic bag

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 Everything is specific as each presentation is specific.

Terminal tackle

Top water hard and soft baits  


Stick Baits/Ribbon tails

Swim Baits

Creature Baits 




I have a separate box with jigs that I only bring when in No Florida or out of state 








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Thanks! I’m going to be hopping from bass boat to kayak so trying to figure out how to sort things. Obviously can carry a lot more tackle in the boat. So trying  to decide if I need to just buy all new gear and have completely separate setups, or if I can put a few 3700’s together that would work for both.  Thanks for all your thoughts 

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I don’t use a black pack, but I do carry a tackle bag with 3700’s. One for wire baits, one for jigs and vibrating jigs, one for crank baits, one for other hard baits, one for assorted all purpose plastics, one for big swim baits, and one for neds and similar. Then I have three 3600’s that hold terminal tackle, smaller swim baits and jig head minnows, and frogs/toads/weedless spoons.  I have to leave out one 3700 which is usually crank baits in the summer (too much grass here) and lake dependent in the spring. Generally though, I don’t feel lacking.  In the summer I carry two speed bags of plastics to supplement. 

To then transition between that and the boat, I’d still be fishing these lures mostly in the boat so I’d leave the same tackle bag packed. Then supplement the boat with the things you don’t carry all the time. For me that would be an extra 3700 of hard baits, the two speed bags of worms, and the 3700 that gets left behind on a given trip. Those would be the once every couple trips type lures that you mostly don’t use but every now and then you need one. 

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I just got a blackpak. So I can now carry more. 


In my DIY crate I had one bag for plastics, and 2 small boxes. One for lures, one for tackle/finesse. It worked but the set up with the blackpak is much better. 


3 boxes. One for jigs (that's including bladed jigs). One for treble hook lures. One for tackle/finesse. Then 4 bags. One with worms/creatures. One with swimming style plastics. Then the other 2 hold my extras of go-to lures still in the packaging for when i break them off, I'm not stuck without a favorite. One bag for jigs, one for trebles. 4 rods. This was my first week with the blackpak so I hadn't done it yet. But I plan on mounting a little pouch to the outside or inside the lid for fish grips, pliers, leatherman. Currently they sit tethered in the pockets next to my seat. 

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In my 13x16 backpack I carry 1 kastking 3700 box with all my hooks, 2- 3600 boxes with jig heads, 1- 3600 with BFS hard baits 1- 3600 with weights( drop shot, worm, neko, nail). I have the short stack on top of blackpack with all my soft plastics. Under my seat I carry 2 plano 3700 flex boxes with my crankbaits, top waters and big soft swimbaits . Under seat boxes and the short stack get adjusted by season or body of water.


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I probably bring less than most people. I'm only out for a few hours at a time, usually on lakes not more than a few dozen acres, or sections of small rivers. What I bring depends on where I'm going -- could be very different from place to place. I usually have a good idea of what I'm going to use before I go.  This would be different if I fished bigger waters, or for longer trips.

-1 small tackle bag for plastics, all in their original packs; zippered side pouch with a few spinnerbaits and buzzbits.

-4 or 5 3500 stowaway boxes for terminal tackle and hardbaits.  One mostly hooks/weights/heads  for rigging plastics; One with topwaters and/or jerkbaits (usually one or the other).  Two with various kinds of jigs, including bladed jigs. Maybe one box with some crankbaits.


Everything fits easily in a crate on the Kayak, or a medium-to-large backpack/slingpack if on foot.

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I have all of my hard baits and terminal tackle are in 3700 boxes that fit in a small milk crate.  My soft plastics are in a soft tackle bag.  It all fists well in my kayak, and when I go in a boat I bring the same milk crate and bag.  I bring way to much tackle regardless if I am fishing from a kayak or a boat.

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3600 sized boxes in a tackle bag


Box 1: top waters

Box 2: crankbaits 3-7 feet

Box 3: crankbaits 10-25 feet

Box 4: jigs, spinnerbaits, vibrating jigs, and buzzbaits

Box 5: lipless cranks, spoons, and blade baits

Box 6: terminal tackle and jig heads

Box 7: soft plastics sorted by color (to prevent bleeding)


Then I have other pouches in the bag with things like extra line, scent spray, stringer, plug knocker, scale, pliers, fuses, hook sharpeners and other assorted what-nots. 


I'll swap stuff in and out as necessary, depending on the lake and time of year, so I'm not carrying everything.  Just the stuff I might have time to try. 

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For 3700s, one terminal, three hardbaits.  


The whole moving back and forth from yak to boat is really a major PITA, especially when they are in different states.  I still do it for a few things, but after 2+ years, I have given in to duplicating most everything.   And yet, I STILL had to run out last Friday night and buy a PFD for a Saturday tournament, because my other 6 were in the boat....smh

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I have 2 double sided Plano boxes that have assorted gear and one small, double sided Plano with terminal gear. I have 3 bags of soft plastics divided into flipping/creatures/tubes, worms/finesse, and Ned baits. The top slide outs have trailers, dyes, specialty hooks, baits I plan to use that day, and a couple other misc. items. I keep everything pretty generic in the boxes and bags, but always add items I feel are needed for specific trips to try to keep clutter down. 


My crate is a Hart rolling tool box.

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Inside my Black Pack 13x16 is two Plano boxes stocked with high catch baits for the area fished, mainly top water as well as terminal tackle, spares, and hard baits.


The back and front of my seat carry all my immediate items, as well as soft baits. 


Rarely do I reach for anything. What's on my rods usually suffice. 






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