I don’t know exactly what part of the Bay you plan on fishing, but mahi don’t venture into the Chesapeake (to my knowledge). I also don’t know what you mean by “mega bass.” If we’re factoring for fish that are more common in my part of the Bay (middle/upper), I’d expect blue/channel/white catfish, rockfish, redfish, speckled trout, summer flounder, black drum, cobia, and smaller game (croaker, perch, and spot).
I have no experience fishing for cobia; I imagine they’d be in their own league when it comes to gear. However, you do not need extremely heavy gear to do the other stuff. I have a Shimano Spheros SW 4000 with a Medium power Falcon inshore rod, and it does perfectly. Light tackle fishing is popular in the Chesapeake because the fish aren’t huge. Unless you’re going for the tarpon that got lost in the Bay, I think something along those lines would do fine. Maybe heavier if you’re exclusively targeting bull reds, cobia, black drum, and overslot rockfish.